The 4th Cloud Programming World Cup
The 6th Virtual Design World Cup
Overview of CPWC and VDWC of this year has been decided. CPWC and VDWC
are the 4th and the 6th respectively and have been familiar to everyone.
It is said that 2016 is "the First Year of VR" and CPWC has the
large theme to open a new value of virtual reality. On the other hand,
last year's VDWC dealt with "Redevelopment of Keelung Station Area
in Taiwan", which was the first theme of overseas. The potential increases
further this year with VDWC 2016 moving to Melbourne, Australia in the
southern Hemisphere. We are expecting proposals which are full of originality
around the world.
Cloud Programming World Cup / Virtual Design World Cup
Common Overview
Qualification for applicant All the team members involved should be either students or working students.
Application term / Schedule
Registration Period |
: |
Apr. 4 (Mon) - Jun. 21 (Tue), 2016 |
Judging Period |
: |
Oct. 9 (Sun) - Oct. 13 (Thu), 2016 |
1st round presentation /review |
: |
Jul 12 (Tue), 2016 |
Nominate Announcement |
: |
Oct. 14 (Fri), 2016 |
Project Submission Period |
: |
Oct. 1 (Sat) - Oct. 6 (Thu), 2016 Japan Time |
*Travelling and accommodation fee are provided for the selected teams for nominated works. Up to 3 members from the area other than Kanto area and 2 member from overseas in each team are scheduled to be invited.
Results Announcement and Award Ceremony
Venue |
: |
Shinagawa Intercity Hall |
Date |
: |
November 17 (Thu), 2016 |
1. |
All contents of the awarded VR data is the copyright of each applicants. |
2. |
The submitted VR data will not be distributed, but FORUM8 has a right to use the data and works, edit and reproduce the images and videos etc. and post or introduce it on website, magazines, books, newspaper etc. as a sales activity or an advertisement as a secondary user of VR data. |
Cloud Programming World Cup
The 4th Cloud Programming World Cup Overview
Guideline for applicants
The objective of the competition is to develop software that can run on
VR-Cloud® using UC-win/Road SDK (Software Development Kit) and VR-Cloud®
SDK. This software could be: all-purpose software, application programs, engineering software, business software or game software.
[Available software / Free license duration term]Applicants can rent the available software licenses and can participate in the training seminars (including paid seminar) of the available products held by FORUM8 with prior registration.
[Judging Standard]
The objective of the competition is to develop software that can run on
VR-Cloud® using UC-win/Road SDK (Software Development Kit) and VR-Cloud®
-Entries are limited to the unpublished work
-Deliberates (work and data) will be judged mainly with the idea of the evaluation of as soft, but also how to write
source will be considered.
-Application program |
Simplified user manual for the program (Word format) |
-Source code and script (text format) |
Concept of the program, future task and idea etc. (PowerPoint format) |
*Not only the program but also including the contents would be fine.
[Judging Committee]
Mr. Tomohiro Fukuda |
(Head of judges and associate professor from the Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University) |
Mr. Hiroyuki Hakura |
(Designated professor of Digital Hollywood University, Graduate School) |
Mr. Taro Narahara |
(Associate professor from the College of Architectural Design, New Jersey Institute of Technology) |
Mr. Yoann Pencreach |
(Chief Manager of VR development group, FORUM8) |
Cloud Programming Cup Prize(Highest Award) : 1
Judge's special prize : 3 - 4
For InquiriesFORUM8 Co., Ltd Tokyo head office Publishing team in charge of Cloud Programing World Cup Shinagawa Intercity A-21F, 2-15-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-6021 Japan TEL : 03-6894-1888 FAX : 03-6894-3888 E-mail :
Virtual Design World Cup
The 6th Students BIM & VR Design Contest on Cloud Overview
Guideline for applicant
Theme2016 "Extension of the central city Melbourne" - Ideas for
urban design in Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area
[Available Software / Free license duration term]Applicants can also participate in training and seminar (free or paid) on this software held by FORUM8.
[Available Software] |
UC-win/Road (including Tsunami, Debris-Avalanche, Point Cloud / As-built drawing management
plug-ins) |
UC-1 Series (Bridge pier design, Bridge abutment design, 3D bar arrangement
CAD others) |
UC-1 for SaaS (UC-1 cloud version, RC section, FRAME others) (Japanese only) |
Super Computer Cloud®, Allplan, Engineer's Studio®, EXODUS/SMARTFIRE, Wind and Heat Movement Analysis Support Service |
Municipality Solution, Parking Solution, VR City Planning System |
[Judging Standard]
The use UC-win/Road is mandatory for the creation of the work. In addition,
contestants must use at least one more FORUM8 software/solution to create
their work of art, which must have the element of the BIM/CIM and VR and
the capability of being used in these disciplines. Entries are limited
to the unpublished work.
-The VR data created by using the software/solution
-PDF file of A1 sized poster (oriented horizontally)
[Judging Committee]
Mr. Yasushi Ikeda |
(Chief of executive committee of VDWC / Prof. of Graduate School of Keio
University /
Representative of IKDS) |
Mr. Yoshihisa Hanamura |
(Director of NPO Civil Machizukuri Station /
Director and Chairman of Civil NPO Collaboration Platform) |
Mr. Kostas Terzidis |
(Associate professor of Harvard University, USA) |
(National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) |
Advisor : Ms. Jane Burry |
(Associate Professor of RMIT University in Australia) |
World cup prize(Highest Award) : 1 |
Excellent prize : 2 |
Judge's special prize : About 4 |
Nominee's prize : About 5 |
For InquiriesFORUM8 Co., Ltd Tokyo head office Publishing team in charge of Virtual Design World Cup Shinagawa Intercity A-21F, 2-15-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-6021 Japan TEL : 03-6894-1888 FAX : 03-6894-3888 E-mail :
Virtual Design World Cup Details of the theme and the target site
"Extension of the central city Melbourne" - Ideas for urban design in Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area -
VR design for community
Forum8's Virtual Design World Cup (VDWC) has continued to expand year on
year, with growing interest from more participants around the world. The
potential increases further this year with VDWC 2016 moving to Melbourne,
capital city of the state of Victoria and the second largest city in Australia
in the southern Hemisphere. Fishermans Bend, located between the existing
Melbourne central city and Port Phillip Bay, is the largest, and one of
the most significant, urban renewal areas in Australia. The Victorian Government's
long term strategy for metropolitan Melbourne, which is called Plan Melbourne,
identifies Fishermans Bend as a key part of an expanded central city that
will transform former industrial precincts into a series of modern, vibrant
and distinctive areas. In this grand plan, our subject of VDWC 2016 focuses on urban design proposals in and around the Lorimer precinct. Lorimer, within the City of Melbourne municipality, is adjacent to the existing central city - directly south of Docklands and close to Southbank (urban renewal areas that have been redeveloped since the 1990s) and the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Victorian Government (with input from the City of Melbourne and other stakeholders) is preparing a precinct plan for Lorimer to achieve the vision for the precinct to be a great place with a vibrant mix of uses, including housing, employment and retail. The Fishermans Bend Strategic Framework Plan which was produced by Metropolitan Planning Authority in 2014 provides the current high level guidance for development. Fishermans Bend is a complex project. Routes for new public transport services (which are vital to unlocking this area for redevelopment) have not yet been confirmed. The large Westgate Freeway and Citylink/Bolte Bridge structures divide the area and connections across, over or under those elevated roads are important. These are all considered among a background that prioritizes pedestrians and cyclists over vehicles for neighbourhood access.
Comprehensive and practical design solutions for the complex issues of landscape and traffic, amenity and sustainability, must be effectively simulated and persuasively presented with VR. The creativity of participants will be called on in first understanding previous discussions and current plans, and then focusing on innovative ideas for their design proposals.
