With Countermeasures Against New Coronavirus, Hybrid Festival Held Successfully Using Online Distribution
Physically Experiencing and Sharing Latest Trends from Automated Driving to VR, i-Construction, and National Resilience
Online talk room |
The hybrid event held live and online attracted many visitors |
Forum8 held "FORUM8 Design Festival 2020-3Days+Eve" at Shinagawa Intercity Hall from November 18 to 20 (with 17th as the Eve of the Festival).
Originally several events had been held individually, which were reorganized and unified as "Design Festival" in 2009, and current style was newly established to perform events over 3 days in autumn every year. Since 2015, the eve was added for visitors to get familiar with our latest technologies like attractions. In 2020 when the world wavered in coronavirus crisis from the beginning of the year, a hybrid system in which visitors can take part online was adopted for the first time, along with thorough infectious disease prevention in the venue including avoidance of Three Cs: closed spaces with poor ventilation, crowded places with many people nearby, and close-contact setting such as close-range conversations.
The Design Festival of this time also reflected currents such as DX (digital transformation) or telework. Following the Eve held online, lectures and presentations were presented for "The 5th Autonomous Driving Conference", "The 21th UC-win/Road Conference (VR Conference)", "The 6th State-of-the-Art Technical Cooperation / Latest Technology Art Session", "The 13th International VR Symposium", and "The 14th Design Conference IM&VR / i-Construction Session". Other events included the public judgement and award ceremony of "The 19th 3D-VR Simulation Contest on Cloud", "the 8th Cloud Programming World Cup (CPWC)", "The 10th Student BIM & VR Design Contest on Cloud (VDWC)", "The 6th Junior Software Seminar", and "The 7th National Resilience Design Award (NaRDA)". Then author lectures for publication etc. were given.
(This page is written by Takashi Ikeno)