Results Announcement of The 3rd National Resilience Design Award |
After careful consideration by juries, Grand Prix, Semi Grand Prix, and
3 Judge's prizes have been selected.
High seismic retrofitting of freestanding retaining wall by using PC-Wall and reasonable performance verification type seismic design method -Actual-size experiment and verification by using high performance FEM fiber model- Nippon Concrete Industries Co., Ltd. |
Program: Engineer's Studio® |

Poster PDF(424KB) |
PC-wall is used as road retaining wall made by self standing earth bracing
structure and is required to take a role of emergency transport road immediately
after earthquakes. In addition, civil engineering structure design is changing
to international standards performance styles. It is the reason of the
necessity of prompt decision about reasonable design method with concrete
required performance rule according to the earthquake size and structure
importance, also for PC-wall seismic design. Therefore, we conducted the
analysis that considers PC-wall non-linear by using Engineer's Studio®
and proposed reasonable seismic design method for self standing type retaining
wall structure based on the verification of actual curve test result. |
2nd Prize |
Utilize Engineer's Studio® for personnel training -For understanding of structure features of triple span steel plate girder
bridge- Association of road and bridge structure, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism. Central Regional Development Bureau |
Program: Engineer's Studio® |

Poster PDF(483KB) |
With triple span steel plate girder bridge as material, we held 1-OUT contest
with the theme "how we should take urgent action if central section
of the main girder breaks up?"
The purpose of this work is that we understand structure characteristics
of steel bridge and learn the skills to adapt to circumstances if an accident
occurs on bridge in the future. |
Honorable Judge Award
Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Engineering, Tokyo City University
Prof. Hiromichi Yoshikawa (Chief of the judging committee) |
Experimental result about sewerage facilities if applying non-linear FEM analysis, and limit value based on the result. A x C |
Program: Engineer's Studio® |

Poster PDF(523KB) |
For sewer facilities, this work proposes the limit value that local strain
is used as the standard towards that structure designers utilize non-linear
FEM and conduct reasonable performance verification of RC structures. Based
on the existing load experiment result, we used Engineer's Studio®
and confirmed that Box Culvert's response can be evaluated analytically
first, and then we considered the limit value of each seismic performance. |
Honorable Judge Award
Vice-president of Shibaura Institute of Technology / Urban Environmental
Engineering Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Shibaura Institute
of Technology Prof. Masaru Morita |
Shallow water equations based tsunami attack simulation with the idea of disaster prevention on software -Influence of building modeling on tsunami attack simulation result- Oita National College of Technology |
Program: xpswmm |

Poster PDF(413KB) |
In order to reduce tsunami damage caused by Nankai megathrust earthquakes,
it is considered necessary to improve residents' awareness about disaster
prevention and reduction. Therefore, more accurate tsunami propagation
prediction and its visualization for easy informing are important. Prediction
of tsunami propagation on the ocean after earthquake is said to have enough
prediction accuracy because it performs an analysis based on the shallow
water equations that considers average flow velocity and hydrostatic pressure
in the depth direction. For the phenomenon that tsunami runs up the land,
it is considered that a long wave cannot always be presumed and it seems
that prediction accuracy is not clear. However, shallow water equations
has a big advantage that it can be treated as two dimensional issue. Therefore,
aiming to improve prediction accuracy of tsunami running over ground issue,
we considered how building modelization affects on simulation result. We
also made a study on numerical experiment visualization. |
Honorable Judge Award
Science and Engineering Department, Gunma University
Prof. Akihiko Wakai |
Verification of tsunami load against shell-type roller gate by using FEM -For more detailed study about door structure against tsunami attack- APPLIED TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. |
Program: Engineer's Studio® |

Poster PDF(454KB) |
Study of tsunami damage on existing tide water gate, shell-type roller
gate by creating door structure model and doorstop model with Engineer's
Studio®. We verified that the damage on the door caused by the level
1 tsunami does not impair the door function. Against level 2 tsunami, we
made the basic material to create evacuation plan by revealing damage condition. |
Structure characteristic understanding of rainwater storage and infiltration
facilities "aquapalace method" -Application of 3D frame analysis in the development of storage and infiltration
facilities- Totetsu Mfg. Co.,Ltd. |
Program: Engineer's Studio® |

Poster PDF(417KB) |
These days, necessity of rain runoff suppression facilities has been increasing,
especially in the city. Also, water securing is required at the time of
emergency like large-scale disaster. For these situations, we developed
and improved Aqua Palace construction method in order to realize a underground
storage system that can be used as the facility for rainwater storage,
infiltration, and utilization.
This time, we have make improvements mainly in the growing of partition plate, from 335 mm x 335 mm to 675 mm x 675 mm, and the reduction of the number of main SP pipes. |
Seismic performance verification and reinforcement analysis of the existing RC ramen pier -Towards reasonable and economical seismic improvement for the bridges
constructed in the decade from 1945 to 1955- Sankyo Technology Co., Ltd. |
Program: Engineer's Studio® |

Poster PDF(424KB) |
In the order stage of construction work after completing bridge repair
design outsourcing in 2011, on-site review revealed that the pier size
differed from the size in design. According to the policy of repair study
in previous years, we created analysis model that uses the actual pier
size measured on site with Engineer's Studio®, and conducted seismic
study by the gradually increasing load and non-linear analysis. |
Seismic verification of a water pumping facility -Consideration about ES Maekawa model- JAPAN-CHINA CONSULTANT Co., LTD Nagoya Office |
Program: Engineer's Studio® |

Poster PDF(348KB) |
Seismic verification on level 2 earthquake by using reinforced concrete
non-linear model (Maekawa model) that is introduced in Engineer's Studio®.
Object structure pump station is large-scale reinforced concrete construction,
and feature differences between reinforced concretes have an influence
on the facility behavior. This analysis aims to understand reinforced concrete
behavior. |
■Grand Prix
Certificate / Trophy /
15.6 inch notebook /
AMAZON gift card |
■Excellent Award
Semi Grand Prix
Certificate /
Notebook /
AMAZON gift card |
■Honorable Judge Award
Certificate /
Omnidirectional camera THETA S /
AMAZON gift card |
■Nomination Award
Plaque /
AMAZON gift card |
No dual recipients |
Profile of Judging Committee |
Mr. Hiromichi Yoshikawa (Chief of the judging committee)
Professor of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Engineering, Tokyo City University
Visiting professor of Colorado University (1992-93). Graduated from Department
of Science and Engineering.
A doctor of civil engineering and a specialist of aseismic engineering,
earthquake risk, and armored concrete.
Won the literature award and Yoshida award of Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
Author of some books. |
Mr. Masaru Morita
Vice-president of Shibaura Institute of Technology
Professor of Urban Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Civil Engineering
Department, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Professor of Department of Civil Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology.
Specialist of urban hydrology and groundwater hydrology. Currently he researches
risk management of a flood.
The author of a book about groundwater. |
Mr. Akihiko Wakai
Professor of Science and Engineering Department, Gunma University
Member of Department of Environmental Engineering Science of Gunma University.
He studies in a disaster prevention of ground, various ground movement,
and interaction between ground and a structure,
especially focus on a prediction by computers like FEM. |
Flow of the contest
2016.10.11(Tue) Deadline for works submission |
2016.10.19(Wed) Meeting for selecting nomination works
Meeting for selecting nomination works
at Seminar Room in FORUM8 Head Office |
Juries (From left) Mr. Akihiko Wakai,
Mr. Hiromichi Yoshikawa (Chief of the judging committee),
Mr. Masaru Morita |
2016.11.15(Tue) Examining Meeting at FORUM8 Tokyo head office MAP |
2016.11.18(Fri) SHINAGAWA INTERCITY Hall
Award Ceremony of the 3rd National Resilience Design Award |
Overview of application
Deadline for works submission |
October 11, 2016 (Tue) |
Application standard and Deliverable |
Contents must be conducted a performance verification and about helping
strengthen national land directly or indirectly.
- Work overview (about 150 words)
- Poster (A1 horizontal)
- Analysis data (the use of object products is mandatory / certain or existing
structure as well as imagined structure are OK)
- Report (analysis method and contents should be written in a report style)
- Input data of the used product. Result file is also required if analysis
takes much time.
- Animation, movie, PPT (optionally)
Where to deliver the data |
Please tell your contact person of FORUM8 staff and send it to him. |
Copyright |
All contents of the work data are the copyright of each applicants.
The submitted data will not be distributed, but FORUM8 has a right to use
the data and works, edit and reproduce the images and videos etc. and post
or introduce it on website, magazines, books, and newspaper. as a sales
activity or an advertisement as a secondary user of data. Please be forewarned. |
Inquiries for the application |
Please tell your contact person of FORUM8 staff. |
Meeting for selecting
nomination works |
Nominated works will be decided on October 19 (Wed), 2016.
Meeting for selecting nomination works on October 19 (Wed), 2016 |
Usable Product
FEM Analysis
UC-1 series
- Structural analysis, bridge superstructure, bridge substructure, foundation
design, temporary work design, road work design, water work design
- xpswmm(Rainwater runoff analysis / flood analysis software)
Analysis Support Service