A-21F Shinagawa Intercity,
2-15-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
TEL : +81-3-6894-1888
FAX : +81-3-6894-3888
E-mail : f8tokyo@forum8.co.jp
Check Virtual Showroom on the Web!>>Details
The introduction of our head office in Shinagawa Intercity A-21F, located in the urban redevelopment area nearby the east exit of Shinagawa Station (Tokyo), and around the building. The way to the office from Shinagawa station and each space of the office like reception and seminar room. You can see around new stations of Yamanote-line that were theme of "The 3rd VDWC".
15F Harpsichord, Toranomon Hills Business Tower,
1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
E-mail : f8cic@forum8.co.jp
32F, public-private co-creation space,
Gunma Prefectural Office, 1-1-1 Otemachi,
Maebashi, Gunma
35F OAP Tower, 1-8-30 Temmabashi,
Kita-ku, Osaka city
TEL : +81-6-6882-2888
FAX : +81-6-6882-2889
E-mail : f8osaka@forum8.co.jp
36F Nagoya JR Central Towers,
1-1-4 Meieki Nakamura-ku, Nagoya city
TEL : +81-52-688-6888
FAX : +81-52-688-7888
E-Mail : f8nagoya@forum8.co.jp
6F 2nd Hakata Kaisei Building,
1-10-4 Hakataeki Minami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL : +81-92-289-1880
FAX : +81-92-289-1885
E-mail : f8fuku@forum8.co.jp
6F Sendai Trust Tower,
1-9-1 Ichiban-cho, Aoba-ku,
Sendai-city, Miyagi
TEL : +81-22-208-5588
FAX : +81-22-208-5590
E-Mail : f8sendai@forum8.co.jp
18F JR Tower Office Plaza Sapporo,
2-5 Kita 5-jo Nishi,
Chuo-ku, Sapporo city
TEL : +81-11-806-1888
FAX : +81-11-806-1889
E-Mail : f8sapporo@forum8.co.jp
10F Rifare Building, 1-5-2 Honmachi, Kanazawa city
TEL : +81-76-254-1888
FAX : +81-76-255-3888
E-Mail : f8kanazawa@forum8.co.jp
2-1-1 Gakuen Kibanadai-Nishi, Miyazaki City
TEL : +81-985-58-1888
FAX : +81-985-55-3027
E-mail : f8muccs1@forum8.co.jp
Super computer cloud Kobe Laboratory
2F Computing Research Center Laboratory 1,
7-1-28 Minatojimaminami-machi,
Chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo
TEL : +81-78-304-4885
FAX : +81-78-304-4884
Kobe Factory
1F Kobe KIMEC Center Building (KIMEC),
1-5-2 Minatojimaminami-machi,
Chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo
TEL: +81-78-306-2088
FAX: +81-78-306-2088
E-Mail : f8kobe@forum8.co.jp
2-8 Takizawa IPU 2nd Innovation center,
152-409 Sugo, Takizawa City, Iwate
TEL : +81-19-694-1888
FAX : +81-19-694-1888
E-Mail : f8iwate@forum8.co.jp
No. 309, 3F, Palette Kumoji,
1-1 Kumoji, Naha City, Okinawa
TEL : +81-98-951-1888
FAX : +81-98-951-1889
E-Mail : f8okinawa@forum8.co.jp
PC: 201702
A-514, NECC, No.1988 Zhuguang Rd. Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
TEL : 86-21-6859-9898
FAX : 86-21-6859-9897
E-mail : info-china@forum8.com
Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, China
Qingtai International Industrial Design Village
PC: 266100
B2-1-1, 13F, Building A, International Innovation Park, Keyuan Latitude 1st Rd, Laoshan District, Qingdao Shandong.
TEL : 86-532-66729637-66729638
FAX : 86-532-66729639
E-mail : info-qingdao@forum8.com
4F, No.3, Yuancyu St., Nangang District, TaipeiCIty, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
TEL : +886-2-2655-8375
FAX : +886-2-2655-8325
E-mail : info-taiwan@forum8.com
5th floor, TID Building, No 4 Lieu Giai street, Ba Dinh district,
Ha Noi City
TEL: (+84)243-244-4058
E-mail : info-hanoi@forum8.com
The Leadenhall Building,Level 30 122 Leadenhall Street,London EC3V 4AB,UK
TEL : +353 (0)86 858 4873
E-mail : ist@forum8.co.jp
Viale Terme di Caracalla N.70 in Rome Italy. Inside TEAM IWAKIRI Office
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Republic of Korea
TEL: (+82)31-426-1884
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TEL: 02-9130-1448