Ever-expanding Applications of "OHPASS", an Optimal Highway Path
Automatic Search System
-Capable of Linking with 3D CAD, Expanded DM, and 3D VR etc.; Diverse Research
To be Developed Based on "JHDM" as a Solution for Landscape
Tokyo University of Agriculture is well noted for "Daikon Odori",
the Japanese radish dance, which calls to mind cheerleading for the Hakone
ekiden (a long-distance relay road race). Holding up pragmatism as its
vision, the Univ. is also known for its unique and high specialization
as well as its school traditions of simplicity and fortitude established
through education and research in agriculture and the surrounding fields.
Dept. of Landscape Architecture Science, Faculty of Regional Environment
Science advocates making a contribution to the global environment through
regional actions, while directly involved with coexistence of human beings
with nature. This issue picks up "Lab. of Landscape Engineering, Dept.
of Landscape Architecture Science", which explores engineering approaches
in the Faculty. We especially focus on its efforts to aim at research and
development of new applications relating to landscape, based on a great
store of knowledge towards CALS/EC (Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle
Support / Electronic Commerce) for highway projects.
Belonging to Dept. of Landscape Architecture Science with landscaping as
its core, the Lab pays attention to the aspects of its design and construction.
Using the term "Landscape" as a common key word, various kinds
of research are going on according to the different specialties of faculty
staff members. Considering these circumstances, the Lab is trying to develop
new approaches of designing and constructing landscape spaces including
civil engineering structures such as roads, making free use of information
technology (IT). One of those efforts is linking "OHPASS (Optimal
Highway Path Automatic Search System)", an optimization approach in
the highway route selection process using a genetic algorithm, with simulation
technology. As a tool to realize this, the Lab focused on "UC-win/Road",
3D real-time VR (virtual reality) software of FORUM8. At present, joint
development is going on towards its actualization.
We interviewed Dr. Motoya Yamasaki, Associate Professor of the Lab, who
proposed this idea and is leading the Lab.
"Landscape" as a Key to Trend Around Landscape Construction Engineering |
Tokyo University of Agriculture originates from the agricultural course
in Tokugawa lkueiko School under Tokugawa Ikuei Kai Foundation established
in 1891 by ENOMOTO Takeaki, who was active from the last days of the Tokugawa
government through Meiji era. It was the result of consideration that it
was essential to develop domestic agriculture, and accordingly to educate
farmers in order to raise the national power after the Meiji Restoration.
In 1893, the agricultural course became independent from the Tokugawa Ikueiko
School as Tokyo Nogakkou (Tokyo Agricultural School). After that, through
reforming and changing the organization, it became Tokyo University of
Agriculture Foundation under the University Enactment in 1925, followed
by the present Tokyo University of Agriculture Educational Corporation
founded in 1949 under the School Education Law.
Today, reflecting the changing times surrounding agriculture, Tokyo University
of Agriculture (TUA) has 3 campuses in Setagaya Ward (Tokyo), Atsugi City
(Kanagawa), and Okhotsk (Hokkaido), where Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty
of Applied Bio-science, Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Faculty
of International Agriculture and Food Studies, Faculty of Bio-industry,
and Junior College of TUA are located.
Faculty of Regional Environment Science, which is featured this time, was
established in 1998 at Setagaya Campus, by reorganizing Faculty of Agriculture
at that time, consisting of 3 Departments of Forest Science, Bioproduction
and Environment Engineering, and Landscape Architecture Science. Its visions
are: merging specialized technologies, such as forestry, agricultural engineering,
and landscape architecture, with sociological studies, as well as attempting
conservation and improvement of environment depending on individual regions
of mountain villages, farm villages, and cities. Above all, the subject
of research for Department of Landscape Architecture Science is design
and construction of environment where people and nature can live together,
ranging from gardens, parks, and urban spaces to farming and mountain villages.
Further, "Lab. of Landscape Engineering" states that its mission
is to explore landscape engineering with living-together and creating-together
styles, considering sustainable development.
"'Landscape' includes a wide range of elements such as scenery and
material shaping. For this Lab at present, this is a subject like the greatest
common measure."
Associate Professor Motoya Yamasaki, who took up his present post in the
spring 2007, mainly takes charge of the fields of design and construction
of civil engineering structures, based upon his experience in his previous
workplace, Central Nippon Expressway Company Ltd. (NEXCO Nakanihon). For
instance, he says that he has a seminar class of CAD considering support
for CALS/EC. On the other hand, with respect to landscape, he puts an emphasis
on research relating to effective use of CALS/EC data, such as landscape
analysis by using IT.
Story of Constructing OHPASS: Strengthened Linkage with 3D CAD and 3D VR |
One of the research subjects which Associate Professor Motoya Yamasaki
has been jointly going on with is "OHPASS".
Originally in the process of deciding road alignment of expressways, it
is required to consider various assessment items such as economic efficiency,
safety, roadability, decrease of environmental stresses, in addition to
fulfilling not only the direct purposes of the project but also provisions
of Road Structure Ordinance and other relating guidelines and standards.
Actually however, it isn't uncommon that after the road alignment is decided,
it is required to be changed at the stage of environmental assessment or
local consulting. In such a case, it takes much time and trouble to draw
a new road alignment, causing problems such as the delay in the project.
Accordingly, it was required to devise an approach for examination which
enables flexible and quick simulation of road alignment at the design stage.
Consequently, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. undertook its development
in 2000.as a commission by then-Japan Highway Public Corporation (JH) Laboratory
(presently Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company Limited) to, In
the process of modeling vertical and horizontal alignment, and evaluating
and optimizing the alignment designed based on the alignment model, it
was planned to adopt a transit point model and a genetic algorithm. This
led to construction of "OHPASS", an optimal road alignment search
system that enables simulation and evaluation of road alignment design
on the digital topographic data and consequently reduction in project cost
and improvement of the balance of the amount of earthwork.
At the same time it was confirmed that the DM (digital mapping) data could
be taken into OHPASS by linking it with 3-dimensional CAD. This was also
made into a tool.
Besides, it was assumed that in the meantime the distribution of DM data
would increase with the spread of CALS/EC. They organized "Society
for Optimal Road Design" in which people concerned in industries and
universities participated including himself, grappling with research subsidy
projects of Japan Construction Information Center (JACIC). Through these,
they have been examining the linkage between OHPASS and the draft of specifications
for conversion of expanded DM-SXF, OHPASS and 3D CAD, as well as "OHPASS"
and "UC-win/Road".
"I would like to add landscape elements to the assessment items of
OHPASS and prove that, for example, when the alignment changes it is also
reflected in the landscape. To do so, linkage with 'UC-win/Road' was considered
to lead into a great step forward."
Associate Professor Motoya Yamasaki stated, with respect to the aim of
adopting "UC-win/Road", a 3D real-time VR tool, among several
options assumed for visualization. Then he continued that since he had
started to actually use it for a series of joint research in the spring
2007, he realized a high level of its function and reproducibility as a
tool to support route search, e.g. in expression of topographical data
or linkage with aerial photographs.
Verification has been made so far about the data linkage between "OHPASS"
- "3D CAD" - "UC-win/Road". However, in order to spread
this mechanism itself in the future, it is essential to further expand
"3D CAD" capable of supporting it. Therefore, the next step he
expects is to strengthen the linkage of these three again.
Although it was able to represent landscape by means of VR based on the
alignment searched with OHPASS as a first step, it is impossible to reflect
the selected product in a plan unless there is a function to evaluate whether
it is a good or bad alignment. Accordingly, he also paid attention to the
addition of function to evaluate landscape systematically, as another aspect
of development of the linkage of OHPASS with VR.
New Development of Research Derived from Application of "JHDM" |
"To tell the truth, there is another task I have been working on since
I was in NEXCO Nakanihon. That is 'JHDM', which we also would like to incorporate
into our research for the future."
"JHDM" is what Associate Professor Motoya Yamasaki has been involved
with for its construction since he was working in JH Laboratory. As CALS/EC
came to be introduced more rapidly, attempts were made to find out approaches
to enable data usage among different types of systems across different
phases of a highway project. In that process, especially in a highway project,
it was required to make the most of data as meaningful ones such as quantities
of works and material specifications. It was the idea of "data model"
that drew attention as one of the solutions. This led into the construction
of "JHDM (Japan Highway Data Model)", specifications for converting
data models taking account of later reuse of the data.
At present, it is said that a joint research with a private company is
starting in order to apply this to Pavement Management System (PMS), which
aims at conducting maintenance and renewal of road pavement efficiently
and effectively, serving as a specific example of making a good use of
Japan's first highway data model.
Moreover, with respect to PMS, it is planned to develop a riding comfort
evaluation system, which can be equipped with a simple measuring device
that effectively measures flatness or IRI (International Roughness Index).
Since the driving simulation function will be a key in this context, new
possibility of VR can be expected. |
Tokyo University of Agriculture |
School building of Dept. of Landscape Architecture Science |
(From the left) Associated Professor Motoya Yamasaki, Mr. Hideyuki Honda,
Mr. Ko Kasamatsu |
VR data created by means of UC-win/Road (TUA) |