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Dealer Network News

œTecnodata educacional Sales Area: Brazil

Tecnodata educacionalTecnodata educacional based on Curitiba, Brazil is developing and selling educational materials objected for traffic relation such as audio video/web contents/ books/ simulators throughout Brazil.

Now that there are thousands of users of Teccnodata educational mainly on driving schools or schools in Brazil. Recently they are distributing UC-win/Road as a FORUM8's general agency. The onsite training seminar by UC-win/Road support staffs has been held at Curtiba in this June.

The number of accidents by young drivers is increasing markedly in recent year. Therefore, the need to develop a moderately priced and high accuracy driving simulator has become urgent. They have established a software developing department consists of 6 staffs in-house and consider about secondary development of driving simulator by UC-win/Road SDK.

UC-win/Road Drive Simulator

Thsy are our first agent in South America area. FORUM8 has started distributing in South America area.

Company Logo at entrance Books sold by Tecnodata educacional
Under Training PUC Parana (Parana Catholic school)

<related information>
    -Overseas agency List
    -introduction of overseas agency (Up&Coming April 2005)
    -Korea sales agency (Basis Soft, Inc)
    -French sales agent itech
    -New Zealand sales agency Gabites Porter
    -Overseas collaboration information British Greenwich university and FSEG(Fire Safty Engineering Group)


iUp&Coming '08 Fall issuej