Virtual Design World Cup The 1st Student BIM&VR Design Contest on Cloud
The 2nd Workshop report (Posted on July 1st , 2011)
>> The 1st workshop report >> The 2nd workshop report >> The 3rd workshop report |
Virtual Design World Cup World cup award(Grand prix)of 1million JPY!
The 1st Student BIM&VR Design Contest on cloud Services
~ Compete on cloud using BIM and VR to design advanced construction and
civil engineering model! ~
Theme 2011 " SHIBUYA Bridge " Pedestrian bridge design ~ A new device in
urban space ~
The 2nd workshop report
This workshop aims to give the inspiration to the participants by developing
the idea, stirring up the creation of works, and sharing the communication.
The students had a discussion and proposal based on the field work in Shibuya
performed in the 1st workshop. |
Date: Monday, June 27, 2011
Number of participants: 6 from 2 universities(3 joined in the 1st workshop)
Instructor of workshop: Mr. Hiroo Kasagi, representive of Workshop for
Sustainable Community(Organizing committee) |
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1)Preparation 13:30-14:00 (FORUM8 seminar room) |
- Greeting from workshop intstructor, team organization
In his greeting, Mr. Kasagi sent a message to the students on the purpose
of this workshop by encouraging them to give an inspiration of creation
to other participants through web cloud service, to develop their idea,
and to share their information using web service.
Then, the teams were organized and team membrs introduced themselves. Six
students from two universities were randomly put into two teams.
Team A (3 members / 2 joined in the previous workshop)
Team B (3 members / 1 joined in the previoius workshop)
Students from two universities were put
into two teams |
- Review of the previous workshop >> The 1st workshop report
Mr. Kasagi explained the important points with the scene of the field work
in Shibuya in the previous workshop posted on YouTube.
He introduced that the terrain feature of Shibuya is hilly, Shibuya is
changing with the Hikarie under construction, which are aspects of Shibuya
based on comments from students in the 2nd workshop.
"This time, you will make a proposal of the assumed padestrian deck.
Through this process, you will discuss the meaning of city design and how
to make a presentation."(Mr. Kasagi)
>> YouTube Content of the 1st workshop First part:Greetings-Site investigation Latter part: Lunch meeting-Allplan Trial Seminar
2) Discussion of image of pedestrian deck 14:00-14:15 |
- "Concept of city development"
Before starting the discussion and research for the image of pedestrian
deck, Mr. Kasagi briefly gave a tutorial on "Concept of development"
and the meaning of workshop.
"The city development consists of three parts; 1st stage, 2nd stage,
and 3rd stage. If we proceed these three stages, the feedback from each
step will result in the good design. The process of feedback is really
important for the city development."(Mr. Kasagi)
Introduction of "Concept of city development"
before each team starts to study |
- Main points of this workshop
In addition, with the consideration of the previous workshop, he gave some
advice to the students on the purpose of this workshop:
"When you did the field work in the last workshop, what image did
you have for creating Shibuya? What should you do to actualize this image?
Please discuss the purpose of creating this pedestrian deck from the aspect
of traffic, public welfare, business development and the creation of symbol
of the city."(Mr. Kasagi)
Finally, he advised them to study by checking Shibuya from the various
view point using UC-win/Road and use the proposed tools such as UC-win/Road and VR-Cloud(TM) effectively.
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3) Study of image and creation of models 14:15-15:45 (Break: 15:00-15:10) |
- Before staring the discussion on the image, Mr. Kasagi looked around each
team. He checked and shared the information of the place where they did
the field work in the previous workshop by operating VR data, and advised
them according to the result of field work.
Report by team A |
The students started to discuss on where they settle the pedestrian deck
while checking the list of model parts.
"In Shibuya, as the scramble crossing (West side) is dangerous, we
need to solve this issue." "As the backside (East exit) looks
bare and the pedestrian deck is a little old, we need to create something
to be a new symbol" It seemed that there were many opinions on the
settled place.
Mr. Kasagi advised the students based on their opinions saying "What
type of image do you want to create on Shibuya? For example, whether people
are passing just passing by or gathering, if you find the purpose such
as what kind of function you want the pedestrian deck to have, you come
up with a place to settle the deck." "The congestion of scramble
crossing can be solved by making people flow in other direction."
In addition, when students asked it was too much to remove the Metropolitan
Highway, Mr. Kasagi commented "It is possible if you change the setting
of future. The adventurous idea is always welcome" and encouraged
them to be as creative as they can.
According to the comment of Mr. Kasagi "If you place the actual parts
on VR data, you will be able to imagine your work much easier.", Team
A proceeded to study and decided to select the bus terminal on the East
exit where Hikarie is now under construction, as the place.
They had a discussion on whether they should use a deck across the whole
area or two slim decks instead by changing the width and checking the image
using UC-win/Road. After placing the models of bench, fountain, and stores,
many ideas arised such as "It's becoming to look like the place where
people gather"and "How about this idea..?"
And then, Mr. Kasagi proposed the tip:
"When we design in a wide space, we are likely to place unnecessary
objects. It makes the value of wide space to decrease. It is important
to decide the concept and keep it.
Team A, proceeding the discussion with the paper on which they itemized
the concepts. They prepared for the presentation based on it.
Report by team B |
The student who joined the previous workshop commented "The front
side of scramble crossing and the backside on the east exit constrast with
each other remarkably in terms of people's flow and landscape." "The
backside where Hikarie was under construction is not too barren but it
is in need of decoration. I am wondering how the bus terminal here will
become in the future."
On the other hand, the students commented on the scramble crossing that
contrasted with the backside saying "It situation can remain as it
is". "The landscape of this scramble crossing is the symble of
Shibuya which fascinates the visitors from overseas. The experience of
getted honked by drivers if the visitors cannot make it to the other side
during green light is definitely an experiece they can get in Shibuya".
To this opinion, Mr. Kasagi commented "I see, you want to keep the
complexity of the scramble crossing as the contrast." The opinions
were merged and we all came up with the suggestion saying "We don't
add anything to the scramble crossing which is the symble of Shibuya, and
create the new city on the backside which is a bleak sight".
In this way, both Team A and B selected the same place. After this decision,
they started to study what kind of deck they want to create while checking
the parts list.
"You should think about what kind of people use this city. There were
many aged people in the department stores and Tokyu Plaza based on the
filed work. It will be helpful to check where they go and people's flow."
(Mr. Kasagi)
"Shibuya has the image of the newest. I want to make it a new symbol
as the replacement for the scramble crossing." "How about making
the passage made of glass by connecting with Hikarie."
After the concrete image became fixed, they planned the shape of "8"
by connecting the two circular parts. With consideration of the opinion
in the previous field work, "It causes the interruption of flow and
lighting due to the covering on the bus terminal.", they selected
the parts which has holes in the center of its circular shape.
"We want to use clear color for the surrounding environment."
They checked the color of deck with UC-win/Road, and finally, they selected
light gray.
Just five minutes before presentation, Mr. Kasagi advised "Lastly,
using the words which can explain the meaning of this shape will lead to
success". He suggested to summarize the concept.
*During break-Looking on another team 15:00-15:10 |
During 10 minutes of break, Mr. Kasagi commented "Let's refer to the
planning by another team so we can compare each other's plan". Here,
the students realized they all chose the same settlement place, above the
bus terminal on the east exit where Hirarie is under construction, but
their plan was totally different from each other.
After that, they were stimulated by the plan of anther team, and each team
made a discussion even though it was still break time.
Therefore, the discussion time was extented to 15:45 from 15:10.
In addition, Mr. Kasagi advised before the presentation:
"This time, we make the basic concept, and create the model based
on it in the next workshop. Please note the concept and why you settle
this structure there when you make a presentation."
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4) Presentation with VR-Cloud(TM) 11:45-12:45 |
- After finishing one and a half-hour of the discussion and study, the idea
of planning was updated on VR cloud, and they made a presentation on the
image and concept of pedestrian deck while operating VR-Cloud(TM). There
were a lot of questions and answers on the idea of planning.
Report by Team A |
Team A made a presentaton on how they dealt with the three concepts. Mr.
Kasagi evaluated as the easy-to-understand presentation.
[Concept and planning of Team A]
(1)Creation of new symbol of Shibuya city
The west side of the scramble crossing gives the deserted image as compared
with west side, therefore the modern landmark will be effective. The deck
will be more effective to construct as the commercial facility which has
the convenience store and other shops with a large area across the station
terminal. In addition, the deck can be used to ease congestion on the scramble
crossing as the new meeting spot as an alternative to Hachi-ko by settling
the fountain.
(2)Improvement of the accessibility to Omotesando and Aoyama direction
with this pedestrian deck
It can be realized by directly connecting the station of Ginza line to
the pedestrian deck.
(3)Universal design
The taxi stands and bus station can be free of barriers by setting up an
elevator. Besides, covering roof will keep people out of the rain.
Questions and Answers
Q1.Some made a proposal of the covering roof in the previous workshop, however,
it can cause a sense of limitation in the bus terminal and taxi station.
A1.We assign the highest priority to the purpose of creating the role of shopping
mall. We will investigate the lower part of deck for this issue.
Q2. Is the pedestrian deck directly linked from the station?
A2. We will design it as a barrier free deck, which allows the direct access
from the station of Ginza line/Tokyu line to the pedestrian deck in future.
Q3. If the deck is covered with the roof, its meaning as a symbol may be reduced..?
A3. We consider the symbol based on the concept of commercial facility and
new meeting spot. The view from above and below, and the appearance were
not considered.
Report by Team B |
B team planned a figure-eight deck which allows the direct connection to
Hikarie above the bus terminal on East exit, and named their team as "Shibuya
"We planned the number 8, which can be an the alternative symbol of
Hachi-ko (Hachi in Japanese means eight) on the scramble crossing side.
In addition, eight means the solution to a sense of limitation and the
convection flow of air under the deck by making the holes like the shape
of number eight."
"Moreover, as the planetarium facility, "Tokyu Theater Orb"
will be constructed in the Hikarie. This facility will be substitution
of Goto planetarium on the 8th floor of Tokyu Bunka Kaikan and the name
was taken from "Orb" meaning "Sphere, globe, dorm".
It takes over the role of the previous planetarium. Therfore, we assign
high priority to the artistic quality of the shape of the deck which connects
directly to this facility, and would like to provide the neo-futuristic
image by this design. "
"It is not interesting to design with linear or plane shape, so we
will design with only the curve and pile them, not laying them side to
side, so that people can stay there or passing through."
Questions and Answers
Q1. Is the pedestrian deck directly linked to the station?
A1. We haven't created it, but we would like to do so.
Q2. How can it be called "A symbol of Shibuya"?
A2. As Hikarie linked to the deck has a theater, many people will pass through
and remain there like a meeting place after the performance finishes. It
makes sense that it will be a new symble replaced with Hachi-ko or scramble
crossing, the current symbol of Shibuya.
Q3. What kind of functions do this pedestricn deck have?
A3. At the beggining, we considered it as "A barrier free deck",
however, we leave it out of considetration for now, and considered the
shape to be the symbol. The pedestrians are likely to choose the shortest
distance, therefore we will consider whether we should keep such a circular
shape in the future.
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5) Advice and review from Mr. Kasagi 13:30-16:30 |
- "If the same place is selected, the results will be different. I think
the other participants are inspired by this idea. It is very important
for the city development to discuss with many different opinions and ideas."
(Mr. Kasagi)
He commented "The sharing the information at the first stage of the
city development is very difficult, therefore it is very important to explain
why they construct it". He mentioned UC-win/Road is very useful for
this purpose. "Thinking of how to use this tool for the future is
also effective."
In addition, Mr. Kasagi explained the meaning of the theme of this competition,
"Deck" in the city development, with the concept of "Commons".
It helps the students understand the theme of this competition.
"Commons means the common land in Europe. The stress occurs due to
many people's flow, however, the "common sense" arise with the
will of using the place together. The human's sense grown up in this environment
is called "Common sense".
Deck, the theme and the main issue of this contest, is also commons. Charateristic
of the city will be determined by the kinds of functions you give to the
Finally, we wrapped up the workshop by saying "We will publicize the
reports on the website, write up the contents of our discussion on VR space,
and release the data based on today's work on the website in order to share
our information with those who weren't in the workshop in hope of increasing
the level of the workshop" with a sense of prospect and connection
to the 3rd workshop.
Explanation of the concept of "Commons" in the city development |
If you make an entry to Virtual Design World Cup, you can apply for the
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