UC-win/Road Chinese version announcement seminars (China, Shanghai) |
Opening summary past records page(Japanese/Chinese) ( Up&Coming 2005 April edition ) |
Forum 8 released the Chinese version of UC-win/Road Ver.2 this year in February, and organised seminars in Shanghai city, China
in February 24th (Thursday).
We introduced the summary of our product [UC-win/Road Advanced] and examples
of VR, and were jointly sponsored by Nepoch Consultant Co., Ltd. in Shanghai
city, China.
In the VR example, all the simulation of the intended [Shanghai shipbuilding
base]and the [city park plan] was introduced as an example created by Nepoch
Consultant Co., Ltd., and also sample data for China such as [Seito] (90km
west of Shanghai) and [The Great Wall].
Many people participated and among them there were the design research
institutes, the design companies, the designers and others, the Shanghai
city water bureau, the traffic academic society, the Shanghai traffic university,
buyers from Tongji University and researchers.
In June of this year, we will organise seminars in many places in China
for the Chinese version of our products UC-win/Road Ver.3 and UC-win/FRAME(3D) jointly sponsored by the agencies in China. |

UC-win/Road Shanghai seminar
Introduction of the VR example (city park plan)
Place : Shanghai scientific hall (Shanghai city, Nanchang road) |

Questions and answers during the seminar
Comparison and examination methods for a design plan with the VR.
There were many questions about the utilization suggestions. |