Roads & Transport Group Covers Areas of Traffic Planning, Highways,
and Bridges |
NEWJEC Inc. was founded in 1963 as the New Japan Engineering Consultants,
Inc. Following the completion of the Fourth Kurobe River Power Station,
the engineers who had supported the construction project took the lead
in establishing the company. In 1991, it was renamed as NEWJEC, taken from
the initials of the former company name.
In 1992, Tokyo Branch Office was raised to Tokyo Head Office. At present,
NEWJEC has a nationwide network with Head Offices in Osaka and Tokyo, 10
Branch Offices, 33 offices, and 1 Laboratory, along with 580 employees
(among them are 506 engineers as of May, 2006).
As a general civil consultant company, NEWJEC provides services for a wide
range of fields, to say nothing of the power industry covered at its earliest
stage. On the other hand, NEWJEC has been active not only in domestic areas
but also in foreign countries to achieve good results in large projects
as a main consultant.
In order to support these activities, NEWJEC is organized to have, under
Top Management, Compliance Office, Corporate Planning Office, the General
Administration Office, Domestic Operation, and International Operation.
Domestic Operation division is further divided into groups of Electric
Power Marketing, Proposal Examination, Technology Development, Global Environment,
Rivers, Roads & Transport, Urban & Regional Development, Ports
& Coastal Engineering, Geosphere, Power & Communication, and Architect.
Each of these groups comprises several teams. For example, "Roads
& Transport Group" is composed of Traffic System Planning Team;
Roads, Highways, and Tunnels Team; and Bridges Team.
Traffic System Planning Team performs researches, analysis, planning, assessment,
and public involvement (PI) of traffic and so on; Roads, Highways, and
Tunnels Team conducts planning, design, construction management, and maintenance
of roads and highways including various structures; Bridges Team carries
out jobs such as researches, planning, design, analysis, and study of bridges
as well as steel and concrete structures. According to Mr. Kawamata, the
key duties, especially for "Roads & Transport Group," include
application of traffic simulation and virtual reality (VR) using tools
of in-house development, as well as various analysis of bridges or soft
From Design Software for Bridges to "UC-win/FRAME (3D)" |
Bridges Team has been using Forum8 products that "cover from ground
to structures on the land," says Mr. Akasaka. Especially for design
software, Forum8 products account for most of the software products they
have brought in depending on various processes and usages.
"In the case of other vendors' products, there are not a few limitations.
For example, a drawing function may be limited to general drawings, or
it may be necessary to purchase an additional tool that is more expensive."
In this sense, he felt easy to use Forum8 Products, for their Design Tool
Lineup provides continuity from piles to foundation and piers, enabling
to perform design through drawing successively.
They then started to use "UC-win/Frame (3D)" as an extension
of the above. Focusing on analysis technology such as dynamic analysis
and the finite element method (FEM), the Team was positive about handling
a new tool or a model that was required. Mr. Uchida recalls that UC-win/FRAME
(3D) was adopted after receiving a request from its client to make results
of the analysis easier to understand.
After examining various software tools, they found out that UC-win/FRAME
(3D) is able to perform diverse and advanced analysis, as well as to output
the data as 3DS files or AVI files for animations. It means that it not
only offers visualization of the results of dynamic analysis with ease,
which is hard to be done by other tools, but also eliminates redundant
works. They decided to try it out.
"Until recently, such a request couldn't have been conceived, I presume,"
says Mr. Uchida. Previously, for example, if it was the case that only
judgments of "OK" and "NG" were to be shown using figures
and tables, it passed as it was. However, as it is getting gradually recognized
that technology such as modeling and animation realizes advanced visualization
rather easily, the clients' needs have been changing to assume such functions.
"Now is the time when it is not enough to be able to perform an ordinary
dynamic analysis; it can be said that something more is needed," Mr.
Uchida continues.
UC-win/FRAME (3D) is compatible with many other software products for design
and analysis that were introduced in the Group. In addition, for NEWJEC
has developed an in-house VR system, it was noted that 3D data generated
with UC-win/FRAME (3D) could be utilized by linking them to the VR system.
Expanding with Technology of In-house Development Such as Traffic Flow
Simulation and VR |
"To realize better relationship between nature and human beings,"
as NEWJEC holds up as its mission, "KUNJ-Sakura," a tool for
microsimulation of traffic flow, and "NVR (Newjec Virtual Reality),"
a 3D VR system, are positioned to be specific approaches to propose the
best solution with advanced technology. Roads & Transport Group developed
the former, and Technology Development Group developed the latter, both
of which serve the purpose of preparing proposals as NEWJEC. They are making
a great effort in extending their applications. First, KUNJ-Sakura is a
tool to grasp, analyze, and examine various problems caused by traffic
flows accurately and properly. It computes each vehicle's movement to represent
its microscopic behavior, and totally simulate the traffic flow. Specifically,
it reflects vehicle properties, road conditions, traffic light conditions,
route selection of vehicles, lane selection of vehicles, factors to determine
the behaviors of vehicles, and so on. It is also possible to customize
it flexibly depending on the scenes of applications. Developed through
joint study with Kyoto University (Dr. Iida's Laboratory), it has been
applied in practical business since the end of the fiscal year of 2002.
On the other hand, NVR is a tool to support various scenes of communication
occurring in each phase of providing infrastructures with 3D VR. It has
realized the original concept of assisting design work, enabling presentation
with a notebook computer at any place. It is assumed to have a wide range
of application.
Besides, NEWJEC developed Urban Flood Damage Analysis Model and Urban Flood
Damage Display System, which are expected to have new potential of application.
The former is a tool to evaluate flood risk in urban areas that occur frequently
in recent years, while the latter is a tool to visualize the results.
In addition, H-ADCP (Horizontal Type of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers)
Discharge Measurement System is a tool to observe river discharge or riverbed
conditions with ultrasonic waves in managing rivers and dams, developed
by NEWJEC in cooperation with the Kansai Electric Power Co., Ltd. By clearing
restrictions of accuracy, this tool is expected not only to reveal the
structure of river flow, but also support disaster prevention or environmental
mitigation measures. |
NEWJEC's head office building

From the left: Mr. Hirokazu Katayama (Assistant Work Leader), Mr. Kosei
Kawamata (Group Manager, Roads & Transport Group), Mr. Satoshi Uchida
(Team Leader), Mr. Yoshitaka Akasaka

Microsimulation of traffic flow "KUNJ-Sakura"
3D VR system "NVR" (Newjec Virtual Reality)

H-ADCP (Horizontal Type of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers) Discharge
Measurement System
Urban Flood Damage Display System |
Future Business Development and Positioning of Visualization |
The business fields that attract NEWJEC towards its future development
include PFI (Private Finance Initiative) projects, PI, PM (Project Management),
and CM (Construction Management).
Also, in aiming at differentiation from other firms, Roads & Transport
Group places emphasis on its own proposal activity by way of in-house developed
technology such as the above KUNJ-Sakura and NVR, as well as on advanced
analysis conducted with tools like "UC-win/FRAME (3D)." Along
with these activities, the Group is also coping with technology development
positively so as to open up a new possibility in asset management and the
Above all, Mr. Kawamata recognizes that it is a key concept "to make
things easier to understand visually."
For example, in trying to present evaluation of seismic resistivity, especially
at a public meeting, it is expected to be more effective to present the
shaking of earthquake in animation rather than by simply displaying the
raw data of the calculated results, to gain the understanding of the residents.
Also, if it is possible to simulate why and how failures occur in structures,
as well as the mechanism of effects and damages caused by natural disasters
including landslides and tidal waves (tsunami), these tools will function
more effectively, as Mr. Kawamata says.
On the other hand, as NEWJEC is a user of Forum8's "UC-win/Road,"
a multipurpose 3D real-time VR, it is considered that use of "UC-win
Road" together with KUNJ-Sakura and NVR of their own development will
lead to more effective use of resources.
"It is the best way to represent the image as close as possible to
the reality, in other words, to represent it visually including its motions
in order for everyone to equally understand it," says Mr. Kawamata,
inferring that it is getting more and more essential in the Group's priorities
including traffic simulation, VR, and analysis to respond to such needs.
We would like to thank NEWJEC staff for their time and detailed answers
to our interview.