New Products
Engineer's Studio(R) Ver.1.07
3D plate dynamic non-linear analysis

Price:Base:346,500 Yen/Full option set:1,575,000 Yen/
Full option set (excluding Maekawa model):892,500 Yen
Release: November 2011
Dynamic non-linear analysis

Design Festival 2011-3Days
November 15,
November 16 and 17: Shinagawa front building

"Introduction of dynamic analysis of easy-rahmen ridge in level 2 earthquake condition using Engineer's Studio(R)" CPD Certificate
Yoshiaki Nakai, Executive managing director of Asahi Engineering Co., Ltd
November 17, 2011 14:15-14:45 Meeting room A

"Latest function and case studies of Engineer's Studio(R) and UC-win/FRAME(3D)"
CPD Certificate
November 17, 2011 15:00-15:30 Meeting room A

Main improved points of Engineer's Studio(R)Ver 1.07 are five topics as follows.

-Automatic calculation and check of M-φ element and M-θ characteristic
-Residual displacement check function
-Reduction of rigidity while eigenvalue analysis
-Input of traction distribution load of train load "EA load"
-Cable element

Automatic calculation and check of M-φ element and M-θ characteristic
When the seismic design is performed in the level 2 earthquake for the ground structure such as road bridge, the dynamic analysis is often performed using M-φ element and M-θ model. In this version, these check functions are added. M-φ characteristic and M-θ characteristic are automatically calculated according to the Specifications of roads and bridges V, aseismic design, and they are checked with the allowable curvature and allowable rotation angle.

The figure1 shows the result screen. The ratio of stress value to the allowable value, the safety factors are listed. When the safety factor exceeds 1.0, it is displayed in red as NG. The ratio is displayed for all checking items, therefore, it is clear if the design is performed loosely or tightly. It has the function for sorting in the tightness order.

If a part of member and spring element are registered in the group, the result can be displayed by each group.

Figure1 Check result list of
spring element(M-θ)

Residual displacement check function
The residual displacement is strictly checked according to "6.4.6 Reinforced concrete bridge pier check" of Specifications of roads and bridges V. When it is analyzed by modeling the global coordinate system of the bridge beam, the maximum stress displacement of the bridge pier crest nodes (absolute displacement in the global coordinate system) includes the horizontal displacement by the rotation of foundation and the horizontal displacement of the foundation. In this version, the displacement amount of the bridge pier skeleton is extracted by removing it. Specifically, δpr shown in figure 2 is automatically calculated.

In addition,δpr is sequentially calculated by each step in the dynamic analysis to find the maximum value. When the biaxial bending such as the curved bridge or skew bridge is shared, the calculation of the yield displacement in the maximum stress displacement is separately required, so that there is no issue that the direction of the maximum displacement and the yield displacement do not match.

In the residual displacement check function of our UC-win/FRAME(3D), there is the issue that the above-mentioned displacement by the foundation and the inconsistency in case sharing the biaxial bending. These issues are largely improved in this version.

Figure2 Check formula of residual displacement

δpr = δt +h1・θt -δb -h・θb
δpr :Displacement amount of bridge pier skeleton
δt :Horizontal displacement of bridge pier crest
δb :Horizontal displacement of foundation bottom(*It is assumed to be the displacement of the bridge pier foundation part in the document 1.)
θt :Rotation angle of bridge pier crest
θb :Rotation angle of foundation bottom face
h :Height from foundation bottom to upper structure acting position
h1 :Height from bridge pier crest to upper structure inertia force acting position
Reduction of rigidity while eigenvalue analysis
When the eigenvalue analysis is performed, the rigidity of the member and spring element can be reduced. For the road bridge, the natural period is calculated using the yield rigidity under the aseismic design in level 2 seismic motion. With this function, the rigidity yield of  M-θ model using M-φ element and spring element can be automatically calculated to perform the eigenvalue analysis.

Input of traction distribution load of train load "EA load"
This product has the function to perform the influence line analysis. As for the joint running load, the position and the result where the section force becomes maximum and minimum are calculated by moving multiple concentrated loads. With this version up, not only the concentrated load but the distributed load can be considered. This enables to consider the traction distributed load of the train load "EA load" in "Design standard of railway structures, explanation of concrete structure, April 2004". The figure 3 shows the basic concept. The part A in the figure (in yellow) shows the traction distributed load. The part B moves as one axis.
Figure3 Joint running load considering concentrated load and distributed load

Cable element
The cable element is a structure element which resists the tensile only, not compression or bending. When both sides of the cable are lifted, it becomes the curve with convex shape. This is called as the catenary curve or catenary.

The cable element of this product is the element where the catenary is formulated. As the material parameter, the section area A, Young's modulus E, and the mass (m) per unit length along the cable axial line are given. There are four types of input method to define the cable shape: Giving the horizontal tensile force, the natural length, the maximum sag to the natural length, and the sag in the horizontal direction position.
As an example, the condition of E= 2.0E+05(N/mm2), A=0.125(m2), m=1000(kg/m), horizontal tensile force H=490.3(kN) are compared between the existing beam element (small displacement and large displacement) and the new cable element. The figure 4 indicates the load condition. The bending rigidity is reduced in the beam element and it is divided into 10 to obtain more accurate result. As for the cable element, it is divided into two.

When the beam element is analyzed by the small displacement theory, it results in unnatural transformation shown in figure 5. When it is analyzed with the large displacement, it resembles the behavior of cable shown in figure 6. At the loading point, it becomes the transformation chart specific to the beam element. When the cable element is used, the accurate result can be obtained even splitting into two, and the transformation can be obtained with keeping the catenary specific to the cable (figure 7).

Under the dynamic analysis, the cable needs to be divided to consider the mass distribution and the attenuation more accurately.

Figure4 Concentrated load 45 degree upward
to the center of cable
Figure5 Displacement chart of "10 beam
elements + small displacement"
Figure6 Displacement chart of "10 beam
 elements + large displacement"
Figure7 Displacement element of "Two
cable elements + large displacement"
(Up&Coming '11 Late fall issue)