FORUM8 have started providing "Geotechnical Analysis Support Service"
that is a service to create a model mostly "ground" and initial
data of not only 2D model of GeoFEAS2D but also 3 D model for users using
"Geotechnical Finite element Elastoplastic Analysis Software (GeoFEAS)
When we have to concern symmetry such as load or shape, it can be required
3D analysis, for example, prevention pile for landslide, crossing part
in a tunnel, ain deliberation about construction influence around pile
foundation and so on. Moreover, regarding an interaction between construction
and ground, such as a torsional moment can only be analysed by 3D. Thus
as we create a model based on an actual construction, to do economical
and rational analysis, we think 3D analysis can be necessary in many cases.
To use 13 different type of clayfs constitutive law to nonlinear of ground
for static issue, it is capable to create a proper model for analysis object
so that you could get deformation or stress distribution. And using a bunking
of ground or stage analysis involved in cutting, interaction analysis with
construction, stability analysis involved in heading, shear strength reduction
method, we can do stereoscopic stability analysis for slop or landslide. |

Geotechnical Analysis Series
WEB Estimate(Japanese Version Only) |
Our staffs in technical team and developing team back you up. Especially
regarding "FEM analysis", this service provides a series of process
such as creation data which is most troubling and treatment of analysis
result needing operational technique, visualisation. We also have a system
to make a quotation to check our service price. Basically, it calculates
based on number of points and stage.
It can be a side but GeoFEAS3D has various useful function‚“ to operate
easily in pre and post part. The input window of the Pre processor part
has useful functions to create 3D models. It is easily available, dividing
constructions or grounds into each group, color cording on display, switching
display / hide, as well as normal functions to enlarge / reduce size, define
work plane, display as solid / plane / perspective view. The output window
of the Post processor allows contour / vector display of stress-strain
relation as wells as a deformation diagram. This case is showing the combination
of deformation and stress contour diagram.
CASE1 Foundation
This is the case of the examination for affection of vicinity construction
of existed pier. The ground deformation or the stress increment of the
pile body can be calculated when tunnel construction was carried out near
the pier with pile foundations. In this case ground layers are divided
into three layers; load bearing layer, middle layer and surface layer.
The input window allows easy setting of the material property or coordinates
by using the color cording function. This analysis model set as plate elements
with steel pipe piles and a lining on the tunnel are represented as realistic
for the ground affection. Though the stage setting allows you to analyze
the initial stress and to set detailed settings along tunnel evacuation,
this example provides only the finale stage.
Foundation Analysis
Number of Nodes=2180 Number of States=2
No beam elements 3D standard model
Example of Estimation |
486,158 yen (tax include 510,465yen) |
Foundation analysis (Pre processor) |
Foundation analysis (Pre processor) |
Foundation analysis (Post processor) |
Foundation analysis (Post processor) |
CASE2 Pier and Tunnel Analysis
This is the case of the examination for affection of vicinity construction
of existed pier. The ground deformation or the stress increment of the
pile body can be calculated when tunnel construction was carried out near
the pier with pile foundations. In this case ground layers are divided
into three layers; load bearing layer, middle layer and surface layer.
The input window allows easy setting of the material property or coordinates
by using the color cording function. This analysis model set as plate elements
with steel pipe piles and a lining on the tunnel are represented as realistic
for the ground affection. Though the stage setting allows you to analyze
the initial stress and to set detailed settings along tunnel evacuation,
this example provides only the finale stage.
Pier and Tunnel Analysis
Number of Nodes=10,647 Number of States=2 No beam elements  3D standard model |
Example of Estimation |
852,821yen (tax include 895,462yen) |
Pier and Tunnel analysis (Pre processor) |
Pier and Tunnel analysis (Pre processor) |
Pier and Tunnel analysis (Post processor) |
Pier and Tunnel analysis (Post processor) |