Shenzhen Tsinghua Sware Software Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. Sales area: China
http://www.thsware.com/ |
Tsinghua Sware Software Hi-Tech Co. Ltd (THSWARE) is a joint venture between
Research Institute of Tsinghua University and Shenzhen Sware Computer Company.
The company was incorporated in 2000 with key businesses in customized
software development and related services in construction, environmental
protection and health care industries. With strong connection and capabilities,
we were elected as a 'Outstanding Industrial Corporation of Software R/D'
by China Ministry of Construction, and were also certified as 'Hi-Tech
Company', 'Key Software Company', and 'Certified Information System Integration
Company (1st Class)' by Shenzhen government.
THSWARE has started sales representative of FORUM8 products, mainly forcusing
on theUC-win/Road since June 2005. |
Last year THSWARE as a dealer in the South China, have promoted several
activities, such as holding product seminars, joining exhibitions, VR technologies
as followings.
-UC-win/Road VR experience seminar for customers around Shenzhen city
-UC-win/Road & UC-win/FRAME(3D) training seminar, held at Boyuan hotel.
-Special lecture about disaster prevention / earthquake-proof, co-hosted
with Guangzhou Municipalityat Guangzhou area
-Special presentation at the construction IT information forum in Guangdong
Also they have exchanged their technologies with the Hong Kong Polytechnic
University and hold a seminar to introduce an application merit of VR simulation
at the chance of infrastructure development of this university.
THSWARE submits their works to our 3D VR simulation contest actively every
year and some of them have been nominated. To achieve a consensus, Shenzhen
Municipal design has created VR works expressing redevelopment of street
by using the UC-win/Road. In the 7th 3D VR contest, "Yantian Port
Modern. Logistics Center" by Tsinghua Sware Software Hi-Tech Co. Ltd.
won the nomination award. In this data integrating building, road, transportation
and distribution, functions about civil design or space design of UC-win/Road
showed what it can do. They couldn't win the prize, but they demonstrated
their 3D VR technologies and presentation skills with UC-win/Road.
To promote sales and expansion, they sent their excellent staffers to FORUM8
for study. Those activities produce a good result such as learning the
latest skill of UC-win/Road, improvement of sales skills and technical
supports and acquiring 3D CG / VR trends.
They have increased salespersons to further enhance the business with FORUM8.
THSWARE and FORUM8 will expand our reach throughout China with close relationship. |
The signing ceremony of distributor agreement
at Shenzhen on June 2005 |
Two trainees under training
at Tokyo head office on Feb 2009 |