In 2010, FORUM8 established a Korea office in Seoul. At the time of the organization change in 2012, the company name was officially changed to FORUM8 Korea and it restarted its sales activities as an exclusive dealer in Korea. Three staff members currently works with a focus on the sales operation.
At first, most of the activities of the Korea office were related to road and traffic fields, but after the establishment of FORUM8 KOREA, they are also going into architecture field, disaster field, and automobile field based on the ergonomic. They are expanding their activities with a view to a business about autonomous driving in recent years.
They propose drive simulators utilizing 3D virtual reality for a variety
of projects by universities, government research laboratories, and automobile
As examples of proposal in the civil engineering field, FORUM8 KOREA proposed
a drive simulator for a tunnel construction project, and in the traffic
safety field, a drive simulator was chosen and delivered for a research
project about drunk driving and doze driving.
They are not only selling package software but also proposing a customized
development according to customer's needs. For example, in 2014, they delivered
the customized system of V2X service to a top-class research institute
in Korea, and FORUM8's VR system was chosen as the software for the algorithm
development for autonomous driving by the real time communication.
In recent South Korea, there is increasing social interest and demand in
earthquake, evacuation, and disaster prevention. Responding to this, EXODUS
& SMARTFIRE Asia Seminar was held in Seoul, and Professor Edwin Galea
from Fire Safety Engineering Group, Greenwich University was invited to
it as a lecturer. The participants got excited for his lecture about latest
study cases of building EXODUS, martime EXODUS, and SMARTFIRE.
In addition, FORUM8 KOREA developed a walking simulator as a total solution
combining evacuation analysis product and VR and delivered it to Korea
National Disaster Management Institute.
In this project, Oculus Rift 3D glasses and walking simulator hardware
are connected with UC-win/Road with the purpose that people living near
chemical industry parks can get evacuation training while walking in 3D
FORUM8 KOREA is expected to continue to transmit leading edge technologies
like an earthquake simulation and a collaboration between autonomous UAV
and VR. Please drop by FORUM8 KOREA office when you come to Seoul.