FORUM 8 will act as a sponsor to assist Arcbazar's hosting of competitions
through the newly established Arcbazar Support Service.
Prize Setting
Through Arcbazar competitions, total prize is decided first and then proposals
are evaluated and ranked by points. 60% of reward will be paid for the
1st place, 30% for 2nd and 10% for 3rd place. Therefore considerations
of scale, number of drawings and design period are necessary to decide
prize. Arcbazar Support Service supports this prize settings. |
Creation of Application Guidelines
Next, we organize the aim of this project, dimension or structure of each
part, budget, legal restrictions, and other highly important matters. Then,
we give advice to decide kinds of required views like plan view and elevation
view, number of perspective view, or necessity of other material list.
ProjectVR use and Evaluation
By using Online Simple Self-Assessment Service you can get the information
of required assessment depending on the conditions and scale of the land
in advance, and you can add them to the requirements of your competition
or use them as the criteria to evaluate proposals. |
Service Flow |
3DVR simulation service makes it possible for distant applicants to experience
VR data of the site via VR-Cloud®. Evaluation of the landscape with
proposed models in VR and judgement from a distance are also possible by
the use of 3DVR simulation. This will be sophisticated when combined with
traffic analysis, wind analysis and noise analysis. These processes give
high quality to works and projects. |