Around 1992, Mr. Mamoru Horiuchi started to use 3DCG in his free time. At first he bought CG creation software that was used widely. When he used Shade for the first time, which a famous artist had been used, he realized the ease of use brought by free surface modeling. This experience made him purchase Shade ("ShadeIII" at that time) in 1995.
After beginning to use the Shade, Mr. Horiuchi has seeked various solutions to use it more effectively and more efficiently. Meanwhile, he realized that "Shade is the software for creating 3D shape, not for creating 2D drawing". Then he established a unique approach and uses it frequently. Before modeling, he creates initial shapes with 2DCAD software and import the data into Shade in AI and EPS format. Recent years, many clients give him 3DCAD data when they ask illustration creation of complicated structure to him. In that regard as well, it is a great advantage that the current Shade3D can import/export STEP data for NURBS modeling, he says. |
He had been meaning to do modeling by using "free surface rather than polygon" originally. Through trial and error, he came up with the idea that he could utilize the free surface modeling method more by using it in combination with other software.
To reduce the load on color adjustment, he created a model in detail with Shade at first. Then he focused on a method of detaching all surface texture after saving the model as another name, coloring all models black and creating "mask" which shows required parts in white. The utilization of mask made his work more efficient for example when he needed a lot of strict and fine adjustment for colors or when he created "dirt" to express the slight roughness of every parts of spaceship.
As mentioned at the beginning, since Mr. Horiuchi independed in 1997, he has produced illustrations for the following works: 1) electronic and electrical parts, 2) new package of over-the-counter drugs, 3) products like mobile phone that seems to have already been developed by some kind of company but is not, 4) novels written by SF writers in Japan and overseas such as Mr. Greg Egan, Mr. Isaac Asimov, Mr. Philip K. Dick, and Mr. Joji Hayashi
In addition, since 2014, he has been in charge of drawing illustrations and animations of the latest condition of ILC that has been designed and developed by international cooperation centered on High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). Researchers and engineers all over the world are paying attention to the international project in particle physics to build the ILC in Japan. Through the efforts to achieve this, he continues to create 3DCG reflecting updated plan almost every year.
"I am waiting for the go-ahead for the ILC plan". Mr. Horiuchi who is involved as an illustrator from the beginning is paying a close attention to the project which involves the world and requires a huge amount of money. Based on the knowledge of 3DCG used for science field or public relations material which he has natured through the ILC works, he also expects for needs for JAXA and KAGRA, a large low-temperature gravitational wave telescope as well as domestic and overseas accelerator devices. He mentioned his desire that he wants to spread the benefit of 3DCG, "to create things that do not exist in the world with reality", which is different from 3DCAD software and photograph.

▲Mr. Horiuchi also draws illustrations for SF novels.

▲Decomposition illustration and modeling screen of superconducting acceleration cavity for ILC