Hyndai Trading Company established in 1994 is engaged in the development
of professional police information system and provides system design service,
data development and creation service, system maintenance service, and
support desk service. In addition, as a dealer, this company provides law-enforcement
facilities and accident handling software and services. It also joins Taiwan
Traffic Police Information Development Research.
This company aims to computerize a variety of data in order to improve
the business efficiency of the police organization and to provide high
quality services. Undertaking requests from customers and dealers, it offers
appropriate services and solutions.
What got Hyndai Trading Company into being a dealer of Forum8 products was the first encounter between the company and the UC-win/Road Drive Simulator at an international exhibition. In 2016, the company introduced a UC-win/Road Simple Drive Simulator System in order to utilize it for the training of police officer trainees at an education organization.
Now the company is considering the introduction of a drive simulator with motion. In the future, it hopes that simulation driving experience and virtual traffic accident experience will be reproduced in the feeling of realistic vehicle.