We have decided to host CPWC & VDWC this year too. With the catchphrase
"Your way of thinking is a path to undiscovered treasure", we
are expecting works with full of fresh ideas for CPWC. This year's theme
of VDWC "Yangon -Aiming for an ideal and sustainable Asian city"
is overseas as with last year's theme Australia.
Cloud Programming World Cup / Virtual Design World Cup Common Overview
Qualification for applicant
All the team members involved should be either students or working students.
Application term / Schedule
Registration Period |
: |
Mon. April 3 - Wed. June 21, 2017 |
1st round
presentation / review |
: |
Wed. July 19, 2017 |
Project Submission Period |
: |
Fri. September 29 - Wed. October 4, 2017 Japan Time |
Judging Period |
: |
Sun. October 8 - Wed. October 11, 2017 |
Nominate Announcement |
: |
Fri. October 13, 2017 |
Results Announcement and Award Ceremony
Venue |
: |
Shinagawa Intercity Hall |
Date |
: |
Thu. November 16, 2017 |
*Travelling and accommodation fee are provided for the selected teams for nominated works. Up to 3 members from the area other than Kanto area and 2 member from overseas in each team are scheduled to be invited.
1. |
All contents of the awarded VR data is the copyright of each applicants. |
2. |
The submitted VR data will not be distributed, but FORUM8 has a right to use the data and works, edit and reproduce the images and videos etc. and post or introduce it on website, magazines, books, newspaper etc. as a sales activity or an advertisement as a secondary user of VR data. |
The 5th Cloud Programming World Cup Overview
Guideline for applicants
The objective of the competition is to develop software that can run on
VR-Cloud® using UC-win/Road SDK (Software Development Kit) and VR-Cloud®
SDK. This software could be: all-purpose software, application programs, engineering software, business software or game software.
[Available Software / Free License Duration]
Applicants can rent the available software licenses and can participate in the training seminars (including paid seminar) of the available products held by FORUM8 with prior registration.
[Intended Products]
-UC-win/Road -UC-win/Road SDK -VR-Cloud® -VR-Cloud®SDK -a3s(Anything
as a Service) SDK
[Judging Standard]
- |
The objective of the competition is to develop software that can run on
VR-Cloud® using UC-win/Road SDK (Software Development Kit) and VR-Cloud®
SDK. |
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Entries are limited to the unpublished work |
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Deliberates (work and data) will be judged mainly with the idea of the evaluation of as soft, but also how to write source will be considered. |
[Judging Committee]
Assoc. Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda |
(Head of judges / associate professor from the Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka University) |
Prof. Emeritus Makoto Sato |
(Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
Assoc. Prof. Taro Narahara |
(Associate professor of the College of Architectural Design, New Jersey
Institute of Technology) |
Mr. Yoann Pencreach |
(Chief Manager of VR development group, FORUM8) |
World cup prize(Highest Award) : 1 (Award 300,000 yen) Judge's Special
prize: 3-4 (Award 50,000 yen)
For Inquiries
FORUM8 Co., Ltd. Tokyo head office PIC of CPWC
・TEL.:03-6894-1888 ・E-mail:cpwc@forum8.co.jp ・URL: http://cpwc.forum8.co.jp/English/
Virtual Design World Cup
The 7th Students BIM & VR Design Contest on Cloud Overview
Guideline for applicants
Theme2017: "Yangon -Aiming for an ideal and sustainable Asian city"
[Available Software / Free License Duration] Applicants can rent the available software licenses and can participate in the training seminars (including paid seminar) of the available products held by FORUM8 with prior registration.
[Intended Products]
UC-win/Road (including Tsunami, Debris-Avalanche, Point Cloud / As-built
drawing management plug-ins) |
UC-1 Series (Bridge pier design, Bridge abutment design, 3D bar arrangement
CAD others) |
UC-1 for SaaS (UC-1 cloud version, RC section, FRAME others) (Japanese
only) |
Super Computer Cloud®, Allplan, Engineer's Studio®, EXODUS/SMARTFIRE,
Wind and Heat Movement Analysis Support Service |
Municipality Solution, Parking Solution, VR City Planning System |
[Judging Standard] The use UC-win/Road is mandatory for the creation of the work. In addition, contestants must use at least one more FORUM8 software/solution to create their work of art, which must have the element of the BIM/CIM and VR and the capability of being used in these disciplines. Entries are limited to the unpublished work.
[Judging Committee]
Prof. Yasushi Ikeda |
(Chief of executive committee of VDWC / Prof. of Graduate School of Keio University / Representative of IKDS) |
Mr. Yoshihisa Hanamura |
(Director of NPO Civil Machizukuri Station / Director and Chairman of Civil NPO Collaboration Platform) |
Assoc. Prof. Kostas Terzidis |
(Associate professor of Harvard University, USA) |
(National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) |
World cup prize(Highest Award) : 1 (Award 300,000 yen)
Excellent prize: 2 (Award 100,000 yen)
Judge's special prize: About 4 (Award 50,000 yen)
For Inquiries
FORUM8 Co., Ltd. Tokyo head office PIC of VDWC
・TEL.:03-6894-1888 ・E-mail:bim@forum8.co.jp ・URL: http://vdwc.forum8.co.jp/English/
■VDWC Details of the theme and the target site
Since 2011 when democratic transition began following the official dissolution
of military dictatorship and the release of economic sanction from the
West, Myanmar has been making significant changes. Yangon, though stripped
of its "capital city" status in 2006 for Naypyidaw to take over,
still reigns as Myanmar's economic capital with the country's biggest population
at 7,360,000, promises a high economic growth rate as "Asia's last
frontier", and rapid increase in the number of road vehicles and cell
phone carriers now close to the entire population marks the beginning of
the city's ascent to economic stardom. However, many issues are arising
as by-products of exponential economic development that the country has
not been able to clean up.
The first is traffic problem. It goes without saying that congestion and
road conditions are becoming worse every year and lack of awareness for
traffic rules such as traffic lights and pedestrian's right of way to cross
a street makes the situation even worse, causing an increase in traffic
accident fatalities, a serious concern. Parallel parking seen all too often
on roads of Yangon where there are limited number of parking lots in buildings,
and the fact that the country still follows right-hand traffic even though
more than 90% of cars in the country now are used cars from Japan with
steering wheel placed on the right side are causing traffic problem in
the first place.
©2017 CNES-Distribution Airbus DS |
The second problem is in disaster management. Situated in the delta region, Yangon is subjected to frequent flood during rainy season,
consequently causing health issues, and this is due in no small part to the lack of drainage systems that we should see more of given the speed of infrastructure development apparent in the city today.
The third problem is lack of electricity. As in the case of flood drainage systems, the demand for power too now far outweighs its supply causing power outages almost every day.
This unstable power supply is obviously hindering economic activities, and is standing between the city and economic stardom.
All these issues originate from the abrupt change in the society. But if
we look on the bright side, slow economic growth before democracy due to
suppression of Yangon's economic activities has contributed to the preservation
of much of its environment and ecosystems including rich forests and lakes,
and historic architectures built during colonial period, when it earned
its name "the garden city". If these resources are secured and
used intelligently in urban development, the city will become one of the
most attractive cities in Asia. More importantly, the good nature of people
in a relatively peaceful Myanmar with a vibrant mix of many different ethnic
groups, among them those with strong Buddhist virtues, will no doubt become
the driving force of urban development.
The target site of this year's VDWC comprises important urban elements
such as heavily congested arterial roads, downtown area that flourished
in the colonial period, central station, parks, and lakes. This region
is typically the area within Yangon where the above-mentioned issues and
potential for exponential growth co-exist and are most apparent. Comprehensive
and practical design solutions for these complex issues that drive unprecedented
growth of Yangon must be effectively simulated and persuasively presented
with innovative VR and simulation technology.
Needless to say, these issues are never neglected in reality as master
plan for changes led by the government is being updated and released every
now and then. For instance, a height restriction on buildings and infrastructures
to keep the clear view of Shwedagon Pagoda, the most sacred Buddhist pagoda
in Myanmar respected by many reverent Buddhist disciples in the city, must
be considered for the citizens. A proposal that effectively incorporates
these considerations in the existing master plan, and demonstrates the
kind of urban development feasible by the Yangon especially because it’s
"Asia's last frontier" with a potential of turning the city into
a sustainable model Asian city by making most use of different types of
provided software using methodologies supported by data, are expected.