11/15 Thu. |
The 19th UC-win/Road Conference
New World Brought About by 3D Expression Technologies in Cooperation, Expanding Potential
Day2 of the Design Festival (Nov. 15, 2018) was opened up by opening remarks
of Yuji Ito, Representative Corporate Executive Officer, FORUM8 Co., Ltd.
followed by the special lecture by Masanao Sasabuchi, CEO, Shade3D Co.,
Ltd., entitled "VR contents market and future Shade3D".
First of all, he enumerated VR-related element technologies as trend keywords,
such as VR, AR, MR, S3D, 3DPM, BIM, CIM, 3D print. Then he looked back
on the flow: 1) 1970's symbolized by ASCII ART, which was the origin of
CG, 2) 1980's of static images while realizing realistic representation,
when performance of PC improved and the radiosity method was developed,
3) 1990's when path tracing and photon mapping were developed and the age
of still images was shifted to that of animation, 4) 2000's when the range
of use of CG spread from video production to 3D CAD and action games, with
contents getting higher in quality, and 5) 2010's when compounding of element
technologies represented by UC-win/Road advanced, demands for huge amount
of 3D contents resulted, and optimization of contents such as BIM and CIM
was aspired. |
Masanao Sasabuchi, CEO,
Shade3D Co., Ltd |
Secondly, he introduced the basic functions of "Shade3D", integrated
software for creating 3D contents, such as modeling, rendering, animation,
and 3D print. Then he mentioned its characteristics such as curved lines
of shiny pipes as well as moist surface texture of leather. He also mentioned
its applicable fields and commercial use examples. To break out of its
past image as low-price CG software for hobby, its functions for architectural
users were reinforced gradually through Ver.16, 17, and 18. The latest
version (released at the end of Nov., 2018) is equipped with not only NURBS
Modeler but also the assembly function, the measuring function, and the
3D CAD functions such as STEP/IGES conversion. Furthermore, he explained
that CG functions will be made better, realizing full subscription support,
multilingual localization (Japanese, English, and Chinese versions to be
released at the same time), and linking with UC-win/Road for all grades.
After demonstration of the latest version, he said that the company was
to be absorbed and merged into FORUM8 on Jan. 1, 2019 and that he would
like for the program to aim at becoming the standard modeler of FORUM8. |
(Written by Takashi Ikeno) |
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The 4th State of the Art Technologies in Expression Association / Latest
Technology Art Sessions
Day2 |
Special Lecture by Mr. Akira Hasegawa, New Chairman of the Art Technologies
in Expression Association / Announcement of the 2nd Hagura Award
The 4th State of the Art Technologies in Expression Association / Latest
Technology Art Sessions started with a special lecture by Mr. Akira Hasegawa,
who is a digital artist and assumed a chairman of the association in August
2018. "We can say the earth is a huge brain, assuming networks as
neurons and users as synapses", he commented and introduced a lot
of his "Digital-Kakejiku" projects. Following the special lecture,
the 2nd Hagura Award was announced, and the award-giving ceremony was held.
The Hagura Award / FORUM8 Award / Encounraging Award (5 works) were decided
this year. The Hagura Award was given to "Bowl de Planetarium"
co-created by Faculty of Art and Design, University of Toyama and Toyama
Science Museum. By shooting a drawing painted on semi-sphere cambus inside
a bowl with fish-eye lens and projecting the image on the planetarium dome,
even children can create a whole-sky image easily. This work will make
planetariums more familiar art device to people who use it. Mr. Hasegawa
highly evaluated this work because "It can be en event product for
everyone." "AR disaster simulation app Disaster Scope" created by Department of Technology, Aichi University of Technology won the newly established FORUM8 Award. This development overlays CG image of water immersion and smoke on the real scenery by using smartphone and paper goggles. This gives wearers an accurate image of disaster risk and a sense of danger. Mr. Hasegawa commented, "This work has a huge sociality. I hope it would be available at schools around Japan so that students can improve their sense of disaster prevention."
Encouraging Award were given to the following 5 organizations:
Remote motion eye line real-time whole-sky stereoscopic view system "TwinCam
Go" (Faculty of Systems Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University); the
real-time image merging technology "Get together at 9" (Tokyo
University of the Arts); "Monster world at night" (Mizuki Shigeru
Road night view design team) that simulates lightings along Mizuki Shigeru
Road at night; a large display contents with high luminance and high definition
"Experience wall" (TOPPAN PRINTING CO., LTD); "Design method
of minute structure for display of several images" (DWANGO Co., Ltd.'s)
that can be realized with general 3D printers and UV printers.
After the award ceremony, the association's activities were explained.
Mr. Hiroo Kasagi (representative of NPO Chiikizukuri Kobo) reported the
result of "Expression Technology Test (Construction ICT)" held
on October 26, 2018 and announced the overview of the 2nd "Expression
Technology Test (City construction)" planned to be held in April 2019.
Expression Technology Test (Construction ICT) |
Award winners |
The 11th International VR Symposium
Day2 |
Report of Unique Projects Seeking the Advanced Utilization of UC-win/Road
At the International VR Symposium, researchers from various fields in universities
all over the world present research results of the workshop held every
summer. Lead by Prof. Yoshihiro Kobayashi from Arizona State University,
this project marked the 11th anniversary, and many unique research developments
seeking advanced utilization of UC-win/Road are going on. The workshop
2018 was held at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) where
one of the workshop member Prof. Schnabel belongs.
The first presentation at the symposium was "UC-win/Road Advanced
User Experience" made by Prof. Ruth Ron (Shenkar College of Engineering,
Design and Art) and Prof. Amar Bennadji. They added camera models such
as static camera, drone, and onvehicle camera to achieve output of entire
perimeter. They cited an addition of voice tutorial at the time of clicking
icon as a point to be improved. In addition, they commented that playing
tutorial on a small screen while creating continued projects on the main
screen, and changing languages are also available.
Prof. Ruth Ron (Left)
Prof. Amar Bennadji (Right) |
Next, Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda (Osaka University) and Prof. Marcos Novac (California
University) made a presentation of their research on "Framework for
general purpose image processing simulation". As they increased the
number of segmentation in object that they showed the previous year, different
depictions are displayed according to moving speed of human and vehicle,
acceleration, terrain, distance, and time. In addition, they improved the
real-time shader function based on model, speed, and height.
Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda (Left)
Prof. Marcos Novak (Right) |
Prof. Kostas Terzidis (College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University)
and Prof. Paolo Fiamma (University of Pisa) made a presentation named "New
vision of BIM and parking lot". They said that they will aim at realizing
the linkage by using IFC between UC-win/Road and BIM software that have
a simulation function and applying it to international projects. They also
mentioned that parking spaces for campers that is now an issue in Europe
will be a new suggestion for the utilization of parking lots and that the
VR review from user's eyes is possible by using UC-win/Road.
Prof. Kostas Terzidis (Left)
Prof. Paolo Fiamma (Right) |
Next presentation "Development of system to manage excavation work
and to strage electronic archaeologic material" was made by Prof.
Thomas Tucker and Prof. Dongsoo Choi (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University). They commented UC-win/Road helps efficient management
of processing during the excavation work for heritage investigation such
as photo servey by drone and point cloud modeling if users save the processings
with it. The system is planned to be corresponded to GPS location data.
Prof. Dongsoo Choi (Left)
Prof. Thomas Tucker (Right) |
Prof. Matthew Swarts (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Prof. Marc Aurel
Schnabel (Victoria University of Wellington) made a presentation on "Development
of VR interactive type entertainment device". They presented an education
system using a traffic kit by magnetic train system as an interactive system
that connects physical and virtual. This system enables to change speed
and path of each train, and they are planning to add lighting etc. and
sell it as an education kit.
Prof. Matthew Swarts (Left)
Prof. Marc Aurel Schnabel (Right) |
The final presentation was made by Prof. Yoshihiro Kobayashi (Arizona State
Univeristy) and Prof. Taro Narahara (New Jersey Institute of Technology).
Their research "Frame work for education of machine learning and machine
control technology" is a review on a system construction that allows
learners to learn application of machine learning as well as to experience
AI. As it can export image data with UC-win/Road log data, users can transmit
data after learning to a robot via Raspberry Pi. This allows users to drive
on different courses based on learning result and to test on different
models and software.
Representative of World16
Prof. Yoshihiro Kobayashi (Left)
Prof. Taro Narahara (Right) |
After the presentations, Pencreach Yoann, VR Development Manager of FORUM8
commented about the achievements made in this symposium. "I am interested
to mount many of the presented systems to real products. In particular,
we are already planning to build the electronic storage system for VR excavation
survey created by Prof. Thomas and Prof. Dongsoo in the gannt chart of
4D simulation", he summerized.
Award ceremony of Academic Encouragement Award
held at the party after all the sessions were over. |
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The 6th Student Cloud Programming World Cup
Open presentation & Award Ceremony
Day2 |
A lot of useful and professional works were presented.
Participants of the 6th CPWC competed their programming skills by using
development kits of UC-win/Road and VR-Cloud®. At the beginning of
the final judgment, Assoc. Prof. Tomohiro Fukuda (Chairman of the judging
committee, Graduate school of Osaka University) talked about the meaning
of this competition in the transition that programming is being mandatory
at elementary school by 2020. In presentations by each nominated team,
juries provided their opinions to each work submitted to this high-level
competition: "Many teams created sophisticated works combining multiple
things such as autonomous driving and AI"; "More works contains
professional contents for example the cooperation with sensors."
"Autonomous Truck Loader using OpenCV" created by Tech.Dives
(University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila Pakistan) won the Grand
Prix. This program consisted of 2 modules and communicates with UC-win/Road
via UDP protocol. A front camera equipped on track detects objects and
lanes, and message is displayed every time the vehicle lifts trash or snow.
Assoc. Prof. Fukuda, the chairman of the judging committee commented that
he highly evaluated the challenging work that realized snow removing and
trash collecting by using deep learning.
Award winners |
Grand Prix team |
Open presentation
(University of Engineering and
Technology, Taxila Pakistan) |
The 8th Student BIM & VR Design Contest on Cloud
Open presentation & Award Ceremony
Day2 |
World Cup Award was given to a team from Taiwan again this year where produces
many high-level teams.
The theme of The 8th VDWC was "Sharable urban system of future Shanghai".
Prof. Yasushi Ikeda (Graduate School of Keio University / Representative
of IKDS), who is the chief of executive committee mentioned that 43 teams
entried this year and the competition is becoming more internationally
and exciting year by year as it is named World Cup. In the presentations,
the juries judged how each team expressed their own future city by focusing
on human activities. "Create the sharable system of both space and
facilities to promote the interpersonal interaction and regional vitality
Catalyst" (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) took into consideration
that main needs in the region are mainly from office workers, and most
activities are now held inside the skyscrapers. Focusing on four parts
including work, life, commuting, and rest, they created a sharable system
for both space and facility in order to realize a new urban vision that
promotes the interpersonal interaction and regional vitality while improving
the efficiency of resource use. "This work had the outstanding idea
of sharing by bridges connecting high buildings", said Prof. Ikeda.
Award winners |
Grand Prix team |
Open presentation
(National Cheng Kung University) |
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Day2 Junior Software Seminar |
Mr. Pakkun & Mr. Yuji Abe were amazed by children's imagination
FORUM8 holds "Junior Software Seminar" for elementary and junior
high school students in every long vacation in winter, spring, and summer.
Works created by participants in a year are awarded in Design Festival
every year. The atmosphere of the stage this year was very lively since
Mr. Patrick Harlan aka Pakkun, who is a MC of a TV program "Innovative
Tomorrow The future of that industry changed by VR!", participated
as a commentator following to VDWC and CPWC in addition to the familiar
reporter Mr. Yuji Abe. Six works were awarded to Gold Prize, four to Silver
Prize, and eight to Bronze Prize. |
Award Ceremony |
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