From March 5 to 9, 2018, Forum8 hosted the Arcbazar
& UC-win/Road Asia Seminar in Tokyo, Seoul, and Shanghai. The Arcbazar is a
crowdsourcing website for architecture design competition and is based in
Massachusetts. In this seminar, Mr. Imdat As, the CEO and Founder of Arcbazar,
delivered keynote lectures, and we introduced the "Arcbazar Support
Service". This service is the collaboration of Arcbazar and the "self
simple assessment support website" and the "ProjectVR" by using
In the beginning, Mr. Imdat explained the
overview of Arcbazar and how to use it to a total of more than 50 participants
in 3 cities. According to him, a problem in the design market worth more than 2.4
billion dollars in the whole world is that clients cannot get so many good designs
easily since the designing service itself is expensive and they don't have the
resource to seek design solutions from designers outside of their local geography.
In the Arcbazar, on the other hand, clients themselves can crowdsource designs
from around the world by launching a design competition with specifications and
requirements such as the purpose of the project, a timeline, and an award. This
method allows clients to obtain more ideas at a reasonable price, Mr. Imdat
emphasized. After that, he explained in detail about the design categories in
Arcbazar, the proportion of participants by country, and how to launch a competition.
In the latter half of the seminar, we introduced
the overview of simple self assessment and the voluntary environmentally-friendly
activities publicized and initiated by Japanese Ministry of Environment, and
then showed a demonstration of the UC-win/Road Environmental Assessment plug-in
and explained its functions intuitively. In Seoul, we received a deep question
about the plug-in's ability to evaluate solar refection in UC-win/Road, which
indicated the participants' high interest in environmental impact assessment. After
a little break, we introduced the new features of UC-win/Road, cooperation with
the related devices, and the customized systems. In addition, we showed the Arcbazar
website and a demonstration of VR-Cloud® to introduce and elaborate on real world
examples of ProjectVR including the Obama Presidential Center competition and the
TAKANAWA House competition. In Shanghai, we also did the demo of evacuation
analysis and modeling software EXODUS and the server construction for big data
since many participants were involved in architecture.
Against a backdrop of the business agreement with Arcbazar made in January 2016, Forum8 is assisting in the popularization of Arcbazar in the Asian market and supporting the actual projects and design competitions. In addition, Arcbazar is planning to implement a new function that allows clients to connect with local designers. We will continue to provide the "Arcbazar Support Service" and host the self simple assessment support website as we improve our VR services linked with Arcbazar.