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System for checking the position where
equipments are installed
Japan Railway
Construction, Transport and Technology Agency |
Visibility of the traffic signal signs need to be
verified by the crew from their view point at each fixed position. If
this verification can be done at the designing stage, the possibility
of moving after installation can be decreased and cost can be saved.
This system enables crews to check and examine the visibility of the
signal signs from their view point using VR, when building a new
railway or renovating the existing one. |

*This movie has sounds |
When the script "概要" is
executed, the scene around the station and the view from the driver can
be checked. The arranged traffic signals can be checked at "停止限界標識",
"地上信号機" from Navigate-Jump to a predefined position. |
VICS Driving simulator
Vehicle Information and Communication System
Center |
The road traffic information including traffic
jam and traffic restriction is transmitted in real-time, and the
revolutionary information communication system "VICS=Vehicle
Information and Communication System" which allows the display of the
strings and diagrams in the equipments in the vehicle such as car
navigation can be experienced by running this simulator. The simulator
can also let you experience what it is like driving on road with ITS
spot and DSSS service. |

*This movie has sounds |
Please execute the script
"コース紹介". Overview: The description of overview and the landscape can be
checked. You can jump to each course at the predefined position. |
Kamen Rider, cyclone racing simulator
TOEI Company, Ltd |
This is a racing game where the objective is to
finish the race by dodging attacks by villains, rocks, stones, and
fire. In addition, this simulator has some exciting options such as
rider jump (the kind of jump unique to Kamen Rider, the hero) as well
as the ranking system based on overall score, and drew a lot of
attraction by children in the W heroes' festival. |

*This movie has sounds |
The function of UC-win/Road is
used for creating the game. The game system was structured by the
scenario function. A variety of elements including the obstacles, fire
representation, sound, are arranged on the course with the image of
wild land. |
ITS driving simulator
Amlux TOYOTA Co., Ltd |
This simulator was developed for the visitors to
experience the advanced car technology, ITS. Participants can
experience driving on the expressway with the latest infrastructure
cooperation system "ITS spot service (DSRC)" in VR. After each run, a
report showing the driving skill of the participant evaluated by the
system appears, so that participants can enjoy the driving simulation
with their family and friends. |

*This movie has sounds |
With the script "コース紹介", the
overview of the virtual road course from Ikebukuro to Iidabashi can be
checked. By changing the context, the weather setting including
weather, reflection of the road surface can be switched. |
Bicycle simulator
Graduate school of
University of Tokushima |
UC-win/Road, and eye-mark recorder and head
position sensor are linked so that a variety of experiment condition
can be set for this bicycle simulator. This simulator is used for the
experience for checking the expected angle based on the size and the
installed interval of each sign, the visibility time effect on the
visibility of the cyclist, the effectiveness of the road surface signs
including the sign, sign poles, feather, and pictograph. |
With the script "Cycling", the
overview of the bicycle simulator and the surrounding landscape can be
checked. In addition, the placement condition of the traffic sign for
bicycle can be checked at the "sign 01"-"sign 06" from Navigate-Jump to
a predefined position. |
Judge's Award Regional Construction Award
Mr. Hiroo Kasagi (NPO Chiiki Zukuri Kobo) |
Simulation for improving the route taken by
students going to and from school
Tatsumi Architects & Engineers |
A route taken by students going to and from
school is in the forested area where it is dark even in the daytime not
to mention blind spots are everywhere. They organized a workshop for
the local residence to provide a safer street for students. UC-win/Road
was used for people who are not familiar with drawings so that they can
easily picture roads and the surrounding environment to pick the best
route. The software was used for the simulation to check for blind
spots from the driver's perspective. As a result, in the final
workshop, one of 5 plans was chosen smoothly to be applied to the
project. |

*This movie has sounds |
Please execute the script
"説明用スクリプト". Overview: The The existing stair:既存階段 and the planned
stair:計画階段 can be checked and you can travel on the planned stair, up
and down. You can check the view from Configure-change model
visibility-Before/After. After means after designing. Please check
計画階段上り口 and 広場部分より見上げ from Navigate -Jump to a predefined position. |
Honorable Judge's Award Design
Mr. Fumio Seki (Nihon University) |
3D VR modeling of the Hunter Expressway
Roads and Traffic
Authority of NSW (RTA) |
The Hunter Expressway is a new, 40 kilometer
expressway in the Hunter region of NSW under construction. The 3D model
includes the whole length of the expressway, six interchanges with a
number of local roads, the new bridge trusses that have been installed
for the historic Railway Line. Predicted traffic volumes were
incorporated, with a traffic mix and this VR model has been used live
at community information sessions, stakeholder presentations and
meetings with property owners. |
You can check the description
of Hunter Expressway from the script "About the Hunter Express way". As
well as check of each point from Navigate-Jump to a predefined
position, the temperature can be changed from Configure-Change
context-"Temp". In addition, if you select "HunterExpressway-West" or
"HunterExpressway-East" from Navigate-Travel on road, you can travel on
the wide road with view in Australia. |
Judge's Award Good Communication Award
Mr. Tatsuoki Inagaki (Pave &
Road How-To Way Technology Association) |
VR simulation for consensus creation in the
traffic nodes improvement project
Asahi Sokuryo Sekkei Co., Ltd |
Initiatives of the project to improve traffic
nodes in the S area of K city include improving nodes by moving the
train and bus stations to improve the accessibility for the users,
improving of the traffic flow on the highway, and installing bicycle
parking as a countermeasure to the problem of having too many
illegally-parked bicycles. This VR data is utilized as a tool for
consensus formation in scenes at conference among prefectural/municipal
leaders, police officers, railway entrepreneur, consultants,
construction workers, etc. |
When the script "概要" is
executed, you can check the scene in front of the station, transfer
route, night landscape. The day time and night time can be switched by
"照明OFF" and "照明ON "from Configure-Change context. The specific point of
the pedestrian bridge can be checked on the landscape position 1-4.
Please see the scene of traffic intersection and the pedestrian bridge
from Navigate-Travel on road -電車通り for day and night time. |
3D VR modeling of Black Spot Project
City of Nedlands |
3D virtual model of the intersection at Stirling
Highway and Broadway, and Hampden Road, in the City of Nedlands,
Western Australia. The purpose of the modeling was to visualize the
final design of the intersection in order to explain to local
government councilors, the public and the affected shop owners the
impact of the final road layout design. The model showed in real-time
the traffic movements and traffic signal phasing. |
Please execute the script
"nedlands". The landscape representation around the traffic
intersection can be checked. The view point including overhead can be
checked from Navigate-Jump to a predefined position. |
Comparative approach to visibility of
signboards using VR simulation
Graduate School of University of Tokyo |
They have applied VR simulation to their research
on visibility of the signboards of the stores along the road from the
driver's perspective. Various types of sign can be displayed one by one
to compare each of their visibility from all kinds of angle and
distance to figure out the perfect angle and distance and to consider
the reasons behind. The simulation has contributed to the selection of
design that is highly recognizable, for a car dealer. |
Please execute the script
"店舗看板の視認性比較".The visibility of the signs can be compared and checked.
The advertising display and buildings can be checked at 初期視点, 2街区, 3街区,
4街区 from Navigate-Jump to a predefined position. |