Program specifications
- Swift generation of diagrams
By entering information such as sizes and bar arrangement, drawing data
can be internally created and bar arrangement plans of the target structure
can be quickly obtained.
- Eliminating workload of material calculation and quantity calculation
Material calculation is performed based on the standard values and rounding
up/down, truncating at decimal points determined by setting drawing conditions,
and on the entered shape, bar arrangement, and material information, automatically
generating manufacturing diagrams, reinforcement steel table, quantity
table, and so forth (PC steel arrangement chart/PC steel mass table). This
eliminates calculation of the reinforcing steel size and mass, concrete
volume, component amount, and so on. Length-reducing calculations and generation
of alteration tables are also possible.
- Ready for detailed drawing formats
Drawing conditions can be set in detail for drawing formats such as extension
lines, letters, and tables. Each diagram is based on the setting, allowing
fine-tuned creation of diagrams.
- Drawing columnar section charts and design condition tables
For earth retaining construction and temporary bridges, columnar sections
and design conditions can be drawn, as well as cross-sectional diagrams,
horizontal views, and main components quantity table.
- Drawing commands specific to civil engineering
Specialized commands are available for simplified drawing of civil engineering-specific
"dimension lines", "extension lines", "clothoid
curves", "elevation lines", "omitted lines", "inclination
lines", "gradient marks" and so on.
- Simplified input and application of detailed input
For bar-arrangement-related data input, simplified input allows creation
of bar arrangement diagram with minimum entered information such as reference
pitch and bar arrangement method. Detailed input allows flexible creation
of bar arrangement charts by entered bar start position, pitch, and pitch
number for each reinforcing member.
- Confirming, editing, and printing of generated diagrams and diverse drawing
file output formats are supported
Confirmation of generated drawings, editing (adjustment) of diagrams, dimension
lines, and extension lines, and printing out by printers and plotters are
routinely performed operations.
As well as "UC-Draw", original format files (PSX), "SXF",
"DXF", and "DWG" format files are available for output.
Solid-model 3DS output is also supported.