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@ @Lynx Mine Modeling System

Lynx Mine Modeling System Catalogue
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Program overview

3D Geological Modeling
LYNX Geological modeling is based on proven surface and volume modeling technology allowing 3D interpretation and
modeling of complex geological structures. The geological modeling functions are fully integrated with LYNX hole data, data
analysis, geostatistical estimation and engineering applications.

3D Geostatistics and Estimation
The LYNX geostatistical analysis and estimation applications are a windows based implementation of GSLIB 3D geostatistics.
LYNX also includes Direct Volume Estimation for the estimation of complex volumes, eliminating the need for a
3D grid and grid sub-blocking.

Underground Mine Design & Planning
LYNX Underground Engineering provides a 3D platform for interactive design and layout of underground workings.
A range of design, layout and survey control options facilitate the creation, management and maintenance of complex excavation geometries for a wide variety of deposits, mining methods and design conditions.

Geo-Engineering Design
LYNX geo-engineering design provides a 3D geoscience platform for interactive design, planning and construction control of surface and underground excavations and other engineering structures such as dams, waste or turbine rooms. It includes a range of design options that facilitate development of complex excavation geometries for a wide variety of design conditions.

Geo-Engineering Design
LYNX geo-engineering design provides a 3D geoscience platform for interactive design, planning and construction control of surface and underground excavations and other engineering structures such as dams, waste or turbine rooms. It includes a range of design options that facilitate development of complex excavation geometries for a wide variety of design conditions.

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Program Functions and Features

 3D Geological Modeling

LYNX Geological modeling is based on proven surface and volume modeling technology allowing 3D interpretation and
modeling of complex geological structures. The geological modeling functions are fully integrated with LYNX hole data, data
analysis, geostatistical estimation and engineering applications.

3D interactive geological interpretation

  • Background displays of any combination of data structures in a wide range of display formats
  • Interactive 3D interpretation of volume boundaries into complex irregular shapes
  • Interactive geological sectioning at any view plane orientation through defined geological units.

Surface- based modeling tools provide an alternative modeling option to interactive interpretation. They allow rapid generation of geological models from structural and stratigraphic surface information. Surface-based techniques are particularly appropriate to relatively simple geological conditions, such as layered stratigraphy.

3D visualization and interpretation

Proven volume modeling technology and interactive view plane manipulation capabilities allow complex geological conditions to be interpreted using methods that are familiar to all geologists. Interpretation progresses from sections, to intersecting fence sections, to a fill 3D interpretation of geological volumes. Any degree of subsurface complexity may be modeled. Interpretation may be made at any orientation on 2D sections or in a full 3D modeling environment.

3D Geological modeling from surfaces

  • Map data manipulation tools, for contouring, thinning, clipping, intersection and coordinate transformation
  • TIN surface modeling for the triangulation of surface, with feature-honoring tools
  • Surface manipulation of multiple TIN surfaces for generation of structural and stratigraphic modeling information
  • Surface clipping / truncation between TIN surfaces to handle outcrop, erosion and pinchout conditions
  • Structural surface modeling for representation of topography, fault surfaces and geological contacts
  • Stratigraphic modeling of variable thickness units by auto-generation of volume elements between TIN surfaces

3D interpretation and visualization provides presentation-quality perspective views for all LYNX data structures. Manipulation tools include interactive rotation, panning, zooming, scaling, color-map definition and data selection. Editing and interpretation in a full 3D modeling environment are available to the user.

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 3D Geostatistics and Estimation

The LYNX geostatistical analysis and estimation applications are a windows based implementation of GSLIB 3D geostatistics.
LYNX also includes Direct Volume Estimation for the estimation of complex volumes, eliminating the need for a
3D grid and grid sub-blocking.

Data Functions and Compositing

  • Arithmetic, log or trip functions of project variables
  • Logical functions of characteristics and/or variables
  • Compositing of hole data samples
  • Intersection of hole / geology to assign geological model characteristics to hole data structures

Geostatistical Analysis

  • Data transformation capabilities, including log, indicator, rank order and normal scores transforms.
  • Semi-variogram analysis of the spatial variability of project variables, including 3D trend surfaces.
  • Semi-variogram models include nested spherical, gaussian, exponential and power models in any combination.

Estimation capabilities include a range of kriging options and semi-variogram model types, and all necessary facilities for dealing with variable sample density, anisotropy, non-normal distributions and underlying spatial trends.
These ensure that the estimation process can deal with cases of complex spatial variability.

3D grid manipulation capabilities provide a means of combining estimated variable values using complex arithmetic or logical functions. 3D grid import / export facilities provide the options of using external prediction facilities where appropriate, and of exporting grid data structures for external analysis.

Direct volume estimation provides a unique method for estimating variables directly into complex volumes eliminating the need for a 3D grids or sub-blocking.

Hole data functions allow generation of variable and characteristic functions that are tailored to the project.
Sample compositing for regularization of samples in hole data structures, including the honouring of geological intersections.

Statistical Analysis

  • Univariate statistics including mean, sample size, standard error, histogram, probability, correlation, etc.

Geostatistical Estimation

  • 3D kriging estimation of variable values using normal or universal kriging and point or volume kriging algorithms.
  • 3D inverse distance interpolation of variables for instances when kriging prediction is inappropriate.
  • Geological control of sample and grid cell selection for prediction of geologically influenced variables.
  • Spatial data control of sample selection by octant search.
  • 3D grid manipulation allows combination of estimated values using a wide variety of functions.
  • Direct volume estimation for kriging into irregular volumes.

The geostatistical analysis toolkit includes facilities for identifying and isolating geological influences, directional influences due to anisotropy, and underlying data trends. A range of data transformation options extends the analytical capabilities to deal with cases of non-normal value distribution. All facilities and results are accessible through an interactive, point-and-click graphics interface.

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 Underground Mine Design & Planning

LYNX Underground Engineering provides a 3D platform for interactive design and layout of underground workings.
A range of design, layout and survey control options facilitate the creation, management and maintenance of complex excavation geometries for a wide variety of deposits, mining methods and design conditions.

Interactive 3-D layout tools
  • Background display for any combination of geological, geostatistical, excavation, mine development, or database information
  • Interactive definition of excavation boundaries and assignment of engineering parameters for planning
  • Assembly tools for replicating and positioning standard excavation units
  • 3D perspective views in any orientation to assist in rapid visual appreciation of the spatial relationships of mine geometry
  • Analysis tools such as an interactive analyze option for instant quick views of volumes and reserves during the design process

Survey volumes
Mine models representing gas minedh volumes based on surveyed excavation limits is the basis to excavation control, reconciliation of production, and means to an effective grade control process.

Grade control
  • Use of in-situ sample information.
  • Grade entry via digitizer or direct file transfer.
  • Analysis of grade variance and distribution.
  • Direct Volume Estimation of production workings.

Mine development design tools
  • Ramp and development design with variable grade, elevation and profiles along centerlines
  • Geometric design tools such as curve, straight line and vertical functions
  • Profile definition for rectangular, arched and circular excavation profiles

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 Geo-Engineering Design

LYNX geo-engineering design provides a 3D geoscience platform for interactive design, planning and construction control of surface and underground excavations and other engineering structures such as dams, waste or turbine rooms. It includes a range of design options that facilitate development of complex excavation geometries for a wide variety of design conditions.

Interactive 3D design tools
  • Background displays for any combination of hole geological, geostatistical, excavation data in a wide variety of formats
  • Interactive definition of excavation boundaries and assignment of engineering parameters for planning
  • 3-D perspective views in any orientation to assist in rapid visual appreciation of the spatial relationships of mine geometry
  • Interaction sectioning at any view plane, including excavation profiles

Lerchs-Grossmann pit optimisation
3D pit optimization provides a method for generating preliminary open pit limits based on economic criteria.
Using a 3D grid of net $ values generated from geostatistical models of relevant grades; taking into account key variables such as recoverable commodity values, mining and processing costs, haulage costs, depth, metal recovery and other operating costs. The method optimizes the total net profit from the mining operation, constrained by wall slopes in different pit sectors, to obtain the excavation limits, which contain the largest possible profit. Profit constraints allow definition of staged pits based on profitability.

Grade control options
  • Excavation volume reporting of any volume or planning
  • Analysis of grade variance & distribution
  • Direct volume estimation of production workings

Conical expansion design
  • Interactive definition and editing of surface excavations or surface dumps
  • Slope and berm control by sector and elevation limits.
  • Geological and topographical control of profile projections
  • Top-down or bottom-up design to allow excavation or dump/fill design based on surface boundary constraints

Strip mine design tools
  • Design of panel, strip or block layouts
  • Design of box cuts or special excavation shapes
  • Automatic clipping of cut boundaries

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 Geo-Engineering Design

LYNX geo-engineering design provides a 3D geoscience platform for interactive design, planning and construction control of surface and underground excavations and other engineering structures such as dams, waste or turbine rooms. It includes a range of design options that facilitate development of complex excavation geometries for a wide variety of design conditions.

Interactive 3D design tools
  • Background displays of any combination of geoscience and/or engineering data structures in a wide range of display formats for design reference purposes
  • Interactive 3D editing of excavation boundaries into complex irregular shapes
  • Assembly facilities for replicating and positioning standard excavation units
  • Interactive sectioning at any view plane orientation through defined excavation volumes

Excavation analysis
  • Excavation intersection reporting of characteristic and variable values intersected by any selection of excavations and their associated volumes

Surface excavation and dump design
  • Excavation design of slopes, cuts and berms by conical expansion using excavation sectors and elevation limits
  • Top-down or bottom-up design flexibility to allow either optimal excavation or excavations based on surface limits or boundaries.
  • Automatic creation of excavation crests.
  • Dump / fill design by conical expansion with Automatic generation of toe line.
  • TIN surface modeling for representation of both topography and pit / dump surfaces. Draping of aerial photos onto TIN surfaces.

A range of interactive centerline-based design tools simplifies tunnel and ramp design with variable grade, elevation and profile. All design tools incorporate the full LYNX interactive graphics functionality including point-and-click selection, snap-to functions, and zoom, scale and refresh functions.

Excavation design tools
  • Centerline definition for tunnels, ramps and other excavations with elevation or grade alignment
  • Curve, straight and figure tools for generation of excavations with specified geometries
  • Profile definition for rectangular, arched and circular excavation profiles

Developed by
STC Logistics Africa, Australia and Canada
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