International Newsletter vol.36 2010/9
9.9.2010 FORUM8 Co., Ltd. |
--------New Product Introduction and Marketing News--------
-Analysis Support International Service New
-UC-win/Road Ver.5.0
-------Conferences, Training and Seminars
-FORUM8 Design Festival 2010-3 Days November 17-19, 2011 New
-Upcoming conferences FORUM 8 is participating New
-Seminar schedule in Shanghai, Beijing and Seoul is announced below Updated
Tell your colleagues and acquaintances to become a subscriber. Application form. |
New Product and Service Introduction and Marketing News |
Announcement of launching Analysis Support International Service
Service overview and features
FORUM8 will launch an International (English, Chinese, Korean) service
of our UC-win/FRAME(3D), Engineer's Studio(TM) and geo technical analysis
service on September 20, 2010.
This service has had more than 500 customer cases since the service started
in 2004, providing high accuracy analysis results and high quality services
to civil engineering structures by using advanced methods like dynamic
non linear analysis geotechnical dynamic FEM analysis.
International versions including English version of UC-win/FRAME(3D), Engineer's
Studio(TM) and geo-technical analysis services (GeoFEAS3D, UWLC, LEM3D,
VG-Flow), are the target software of these services. They have been used
overseas and been revised for international market and are being recognized
as Japanese-made superior software in the academic market.
FORUM8 started enhancing the service standards for English, Chinese, Korean
language market as well as Japan and will also support customers overseas.
These services are for customers overseas and Japanese customers involved
in international business.

UC-win/FRAME(3D) and Engineer's Studio(TM) overview, customers
UC-win/FRAME(3D) has been employed by more than 1500 customers in Japan
and abroad including construction consultant, construction companies and
academics market since its initial release in 2001. Engineer's Studio(TM)
was released in 2009. Engineer's Studio(TM) supports Non-linear plate element
and it also has advanced analysis functions including 64bit solver.
FORUM8 is actively involved in research projects. Forum8 was the winning
team for 2 consecutive years in the contest sponsored by the National Research
Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention in Japan: "C1-2
E-Defence Pre-analysis contest of Full scale RC Pier Earthquake Resistance
Experiment, fiber model" with UC-win/FRAME(3D) in 2009 and "C-6
E-Defence Pre-analysis Contest of Full scale RC Pier Earthquake Resistance
Experiment using nature mortar"
with Engineer's Studio in 2010.
Related URL:
Winning the contest
FORUM8 web site: Analysis support page
Overview of geotechnical analysis software series and analysis history
These products allow the geotechnical analysis and model creation for FEM
model. This technical support will serve users who assess and investigate
the liquefaction effect caused by the earthquake (including the assessment
of raised underground structures, remaining amount of displacement by the
liquefaction), the increased underground water resulted from the concentrated
heavy rain, the decreased stability of the ground, the slope stability,
its stability quantitatively after the counter measure work, the bearing
capacity of foundation, and 3D countermeasure works. Our technical staff
will provide support for this analysis support service. We provide simple
and convenient 3D FEM analysis services which can be performed a series
of tasks from data creation to visualization of analysis results.
Geo Technical Series products:
GeoFEAS3D/2D (Geotechnical Finite element Elastoplastic Analysis Software),
UWLC (Dynamic effective stress analysis for ground), LEM (3D slope stability
analysis), VG Flow (3D seepage analysis)
Related URL:
FORUM8 web site: Geo technical analysis support page

UC-win/Road Version 5 development has been completed: the main new features
are as follows:
- 3D display features: FBX models, LOD, text display function, advanced weather
- Accuracy of driving simulation: Improved vehicle dynamics model, improved
audio, linkage with Senso Drive
- View angle controls: Navigation features
- Data linkage: FBX file compatible, Point Cloud Data Plug-in option
- UC-win/Road for SaaS: SaaS server function (sold separately)
- Data creation: rivers, 3D text models
1. FBX file compatibility
- FBX is a file format developed by Autodesk. To enable easy 3D data exchange
between 3D applications, Software Development Kit (SDK) for FBX, samples and FBX viewer are provided by Autodesk free of charge.
FBX data import function was developed to extend the file formats supported
by UC-win/Road. During the data import, material attributes, textures and
the polygon information, which are included in the FBX data, are imported
and can be used in UC-win/Road as 3D models.
Previous versions of UC-win/Road have been able to import 3ds files, but
this file format is not officially documented, thus, full compatibility
with 3ds is not possible. From this version, FORUM8 plans to update features
regarding 3D models with focus on the FBX, with the view to develop functions
for exporting to FBX files, and compatibility with animation, light source
and view angle data within FBX files.
File format |
Version |
Autodesk AutoCAD DXF (.dxf) |
Version 13 and earlier. |
Collada DAE (.dae) |
Version 1.5 and earlier. |
3D Studio 3DS (.3ds) |
All versions. |
Alias OBJ (.obj) |
All versions. |
Comparison between data imported as 3ds and data imported using FBX |
FBX compatible file formats and their versions |
2. LOD function
- LOD function is used to adjust the resolution of the display according
to the size of the display, when elements are depicted in a 3D environment.
By lowering the resolution of smaller elements, the processing time can
be reduced without badly affecting the quality of the visualization. This
technology enables us to increase the number of elements that can be visualized
simultaneously, and in some cases, improves the system performance.
In UC-win/Road version 5, as shown below, we have developed and improved
the LOD function.
- MD3 character
Now, MD3 characters are displayed in three phases of LOD. Maximum LOD utilizes
the same methods as before. In the second phase of LOD, the character is
displayed on rectangular panes. The textures of the front and the side
views are generated internally from the 3D mesh data which will become
the basis of the character.
In the third phase, the character is displayed as a bar or a dot. In addition,
users can alter the view angle to switch between various the LODs.
Original mesh / Side texture / front texture |
MD3 character generated by the LOD second phase |
- Shadow
Elements to be used for shadows can now be selected to optimize the display
speed of shadows.
The texture size for shadow generation can also be altered, enabling the
adjustment of the resolution of the shadows.
- Lake and Pond
To visualize the reflections on the lakes, images in the 3D environment
has to be generated twice. However, since the quality of the images on
the lake surfaces is unimportant in most cases, the resolution of the reflection
on the lake surfaces can now be lowered.
- 3D trees
Three more phases of LOD are now available and UC-win/Road version 5 now
has four phases of LOD in total for 3D trees
- First Phase: Maximum LOD display
- Second Phase: Static 3D trees - unaffected by the wind
- Fourth Phase: 3D tree displayed on 4 intersecting panes
- Fifth Phase: 3D tree displayed on 2 intersecting panes
3. Creating rivers
- River creation is now improved in UC-win/Road version 5 - just like with
roads, planar and longitudinal linear alignment is now possible.
In addition, the cross-section of rivers can now be edited, enabling the
creation of natural and artificial rivers.
Sample river model |
Following features of brand new UC-win/Road are...
4. Improvement in road section editor
5. Vehicle dynamics
6. UC-win/Road for SaaS Plug-in>> UC-win/Road for SaaS
7. Navigation function
8. Improved audio
9. 2D/3D texts
To see the full text of the article, visit UC-win/Road Ver.5.0on Up and Coming web magazine.
Conferences, Training and Seminars |
FORUM8 Design Festival 2010-3 Days
November 17-19, 2010, Tokyo Japan |
- Wednesday, November 17th FORUM8 Design Festival Day1
The 4th Design Conference
Main hall : Special lectures, VR, civil engineering and traffic sessions
Sub hall : DS and architecture and construction sessions
- Thursday, November 18th FORUM8 Design Festival Day2
The 11th International VR Conference
(The 11th UC-win/Road Conference and the 4th International VR Symposium)
- Friday, November 19th FORUM8 Design Festival Day3
The 9th 3D VR Simulation Contest
Waiting for your entry ! Send your data no later than Tuesday, November
Detailes of the festival will be introduced soon.
Upcoming conference and trade shows
FORUM 8 will participate the following conference
DSC 2010 EUROPE - Driving Simulation Conference 2010 - Europe
9 - 10 September, 2010, France
The conference of the latest driving simulator technique and the poster
session will be held.
- UC-win/Road Driving Simulator : Driving experience with SUBARU type of
experience simulator
- SensoDrive : The vehicle control system can be checked and verified on
PC before assessment of actual vehicle.
15th National Engineering Design Software Conference
16 - 17 September, 2010, Halpin, China
Organized by: Software application group of China civil engineering academy
This event is held once in every two years in this large city in China.
The themes for this year are "CAD/BIM Design process " and "Process
flow project, corporate and corporate informatization".
* Two research papers describing UC-win/Road for SaaS, Engineer's Studio(TM)
are posted on the collection of papers.
- Solutions for China : UC-1 Series RC Section calculation, Bridge abutment
design, Retaining wall design, Temporary sheathing work design
- Engineer's Studio(TM) : 3D VR for cloud computing environment
- UC-win/Road Driving Simulator : Driving experience with SUBARU type of
experience simulator
2nd Shanghai International Disaster Reduction and Security Exhibition 2010
Shanghai International Disaster Reduction and Security Exhibition
13 - 15 October, 2010, Shanghai, China
Dujiang yan City, Sichuan
The solutions for ensuring safe and untroubled living conditions through
crime prevention are showcased. Fire prevention management and safety management
are the main themes that will be covered.
- EXODUS : The evacuation analysis software for architecture environment
/ marine environment / aeronautical environment
- Risk Solution
17th ITS World Congress, Busan 2010
25-29 October, 2010 Busan, Korea BEXCO
MLIT(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), MLTM(Ministry
of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs), Busan City, Korea Highway Corporation,
ITS Korea
The specialists in car industry, IT engineers are gathered from all over
the world and they will be giving presentations on their own research,
exchange the latest information, and discuss business.
"Scale model car and VR : UC-win/Road for RoboCar(R)"
- Driving Simulator corner
- MR/AR Corner
- Cloud VR Corner
- Special giveaway, presentation of the new product under development (1)
The latest VR function experiment "UC-win/Road Ver.4" (2) The
new age of VR simulation! "UC-win/Road Ver.5"
Seminars in Shanghai, Beijing and Seoul will be held on the following schedule.
Shanghai - Shanghai Seminar room (FORUM8 Technology Development(Shanghai)
Co., Ltd) MAP
Beijing- eMapgo Technologies(Beijing)Co.,Ltd URL
Seoul : FORUM8 Korean Office, Seoul Address
Seminar |
Date |
City |
UC-win/Road VR |
September 14th, 2010 |
Shanghai |
October 5th, 2010 |
Seoul |
October 14th, 2010 |
Beijing |
October 15th, 2010 |
Shanghai |
UC-win/Road Advanced |
September 9th, 2010 |
Seoul |
September 16th, 2010 |
Beijing |
October 19th, 2010 |
Seoul |
Engineer's Studio(TM),
Engineer's Studio(TM)(2D)) |
September 17th, 2010 |
Seoul |
UC-win/FRAME(3D) |
October 18th, 2010 |
Shanghai |
VR-Studio(TM) |
September 28th, 2010 |
Shanghai |
October 28th, 2010 |
Seoul |
Allplan |
October 20th, 2010 |
Shanghai |
October 13th , 2010 |
Seoul |
October 22th , 2010 |
Shanghai |
Temporary sheathing work design for Korean regulations |
September 24th, 2010 |
Seoul |
RCcross section calculation for China |
October 27th , 2010 |
Shanghai |
Participation Fee |
Participation Fee |
Free |
For more information and applications, please email us at:
Gross circulation: 4398
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