International Newsletter vol.25 2009/11
FORUM8 Co., Ltd

--------What's New at FORUM8--------

Nominated Works Announced for FORUM8 Design Contest
-Nominated works for the 8th "3D VR Simulation Contest with UC-win/Road" were announced

-FORUM8 Design Festival
Day1 The 3rd Design Conference
Day2 The 3rd Design Conference, The 3rd International VR Symposium
Day3 8th "3D VR Simulation Contest
FORUM8 Design Festival Lecture overview/Introduction of lecturers

--------Upcoming Events--------

UC-win/Road Expert training seminar

-Overseas Training and Seminars
Seminar schedule in Shanghai is announced below.

 --------What's New at FORUM8--------
FORUM8 Design Festival 2009-3Days
FORUM8 Design Festival 2009-3Days

Forum8 will be holding "Design Festival 2009-3days". The year 2009, FORUM8 is seeing the release of Engineer's StudioTM and VR-StudioTM. To introduce these new solutions and the latest technology, FORUM8 will be hosting the Design Festival as an annual event from this year, combining the Design Conference, International VR Symposium and 3D VR Simulation Contest. The combined 3 day event will be held at the Tokyo Conference Center, Shinagawa adjacent to Shinagawa station. We are expecting more people to be joining us at this years festival than previous years including more customers from around the world.
The 1st day will see "The third Design Conference" and its technical sessions (also held on day 2)will be held on the second day, too. The 2nd day we will host "The 3rd International VR Symposium", where an international group of researchers will present their advanced research of VR. The 3rd day will be "The 8th UC-win/Road 3D VR Contest". In addition, we will expect your participation with the co-held events, such as exhibits of 3D Stereo Theater Driving System and publishing party. We look forward to seeing you at the festival.

Yuji Ito President, FORUM 8 Co.,LTD.

8th 3D VR Simulation Contest NEWReleased November 9th, 2009
Nominated works
< Date / Venue >
Date Location Venue
November 18(Wednesday)-
20(Friday), 2009
Tokyo Hall A, Tokyo Conference Center, Shinagawa
directly connected to the Konan exit of
JR Shinagawa Station

Wednesday, November 18 FORUM8 Design Festival Day1 >> for Details  
The 3rd Design Conference
"Design/Analysis Sessions", "Architecture/BIM Sessions", "Water Engineering Sessions"
Special lectures by academic researchers and our customers.
Also the introduction of new products and new versions of existing products.
Thursday, November 19 FORUM8 Design Festival Day2 >> for Details    
The 3rd Design Conference
"Design, CAD and VR Sessions", "Technical Support Sessions"
Publication Party of "STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS -Case Studies and Numerical Simulation-
Networking Party (buffet style, dinner and drinks, Foyer)

The 3rd International VR Symposium
Researchers of World16, an extended group of World8, will present their advanced idea, research and technology of VR by using UC-win/Road


Friday, November 20 FORUM8 Design Festival Day3 >> for Details  
The 8th 3D VR Simulation Contest by UC-win/Road
Nominated works announced Released November 9th, 2009
Exhibits (Foyer) November 18(Wednesday)-20(Friday) All days

UC-win/Road 3D Stereo Driving Simulator
160 degree cylindrical passive 3D stereo system with 3D stereo function and the latest DS functions of UC-win/Road Ver.4 >> UC-win/Road Driving Simulator
UC-win/Road ECO Driving Simulator / Network Driving Simulator
Hands-on corner for ECO Drive by UC-win/Road DS and Network Driving Simulation using the Internet
>> UC-win/Road ECO Driving plug-in option
>> UC-win/Road Communication plug-in/Driving Simulator Network
3D Stereo MR/AR Simulation
Hands on corner for 3D Display System compounded by contents and diorama created by 3D-B Vision, Naked Eye 3D Stereo System and UC-win/Road
Hands on corner of VR-Studio(TM)
Large scale multi VR and VR-Studio(TM) have been released. Over 100 km of a sample model and 70 km of road data will be available.
>> VR-Studio(TM)
Network Driving Simulation using the Internet
ECO Driving Simulator
3D Stereo Driving Simulator
< General Information of the Festival >
Participation Free of charge(Registration in advance recommended)
Organized by FORUM 8 Co.,Ltd.
Supported by
Computer Graphic Arts Society (CG-ARTS)
Monthly magazine Bridge&City PROJECT
published by the bridges magazine committee
Monthly "Dobokuseko"(journal for civil engineers)
(Index Press)
"Nikkei Construction"(Nikkei BP)

Wednesday, November 18th FORUM8 Design Festival Day1
Gifts for visitors: F8 original desk calendar

3rd Design Conference

"Design/Analysis Sessions", "Architecture/BIM Sessions" and "Water Engineering Sessions"
Special lectures by university researchers and customers as well as the introduction of new products and the latest versions.

The Design Festival will start with the 3rd Design Conference. UC-win/FRAME(3D) User Conference marks the 7th time. The event has grown to a "Design Conference" including the UC-win/UC-1 series related themes. This year, we organized the event with "Design/Analysis Sessions", "Architecture/BIM Sessions" and "Water Engineering Sessions". In "Design/Analysis Sessions", there will be special lectures by researchers from universities and the introduction of Enigineering Studio(TM). Plus other new products will be introduced as well as latest versions of existing products. "Architecture/BIM Sessions" has lectures of BIM and information of related new products. In "Water Engineering Sessions", the annual user event will be held. We are expecting xpswmm customers and water engineering reserchers and engineers.
Lecture overview/Introduction of lecturers
 10:30-12:00  Main Hall A,B 400 seats available
Nagoya, Fukuoka by using TV conference system
Main session of Design/Analysis Sessions
Special Lecture 1: "Nonlinear Analysis of Deteriorated RC Structure and Method of Knowledge Structurization
Koichi Maekawa, Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo


Buffet Lunch

Premium members will be presented with lunch tickets


Main Sessions(Main Hall )400seats
with simultaneous interpretation service(Japanese, English, Chinese)

Technical Sessions(Room 402)
60seats available

Technical Sessions(Room 403)
seats available

"Design/Analysis Sessions"

"Architecture/BIM Sessions"

"Water Engineering Sessions"


Presentation 1
"Engineer’s Studio(TM) and Future Development"
Brent Fleming
New Project Group, FORUM8

Special Lecture 5
"Beyond World Class! Improving BIM of Japanese Spirit with Western Technology"
Ryota Ieiri
Ieiri Laboratory, NikkeiBP

xpswmm User Group Meeting Technical Seminar for Flood Prevention "Latest Examples of Flood Prevention and Flood Analysis"
Organized by SWMM User Group
Supported by Water Environment Construction Club, FORUM 8, and XPSoftware

Opening speech
SWMM User Group Chairman

Special Lecture 8 Keynote Lecture "Challenge for Application of Flood Analysis Technology

Yosihisa Kawahara Professor, Hiroshima University Graduate School

Special Lecture 9
Future Utilization of Running Water Analysis Model for Climate Change"

Ishikawa Takateru, Water Environment Construction Club

Special Lecture 10
"Quantitation and and Modeling of Inundation Risk of Urban Rain Water Drainage"

Masaru Morita Professor,
Shibaura Institute of Technology


Special Lecture 2
"FRAME3D Analysis Case and Engineer's Studio's Challenge"
Hiroto Aoto Researcher,
Tokyo City University

Special Lecture 6
"Allplan(Architecture)Japanese Version
Sven Elbl
Director of Product Management, Nemetschek Allplan Gmbh, Germany

"Allplan Case Study in Korea -Architecture (with consecutive Japanese translation service)
Kim Gibom, Basissoft Inc., Korea

with consecutive Japanese translation service


Presentation 2
"FRAME 3D Analysis Case and Analysis Competition Report"
Yoshitaka Kai
Analysis Support Team, FORUM8

Presentation 4
"BIM Solution at Build Live Tokyo"
Jun Imaizumi
VR Support Group


<Break>Complimentary Refreshments available before attending the next sessions


Special Lecture 3
"Ground analysis: Present Situation and Future Development"
Keizo Ugai Professor,
Gunma University

Special Lecture 7
"MultiframeVer.12, Plate Element"

Jake Hannah
Formation Design Systems,

with consecutive Japanese translation service

Special Lecture 11
"Introduction of CommnMP"(subject to change)
Tatsuo Yamada, Assitant Manager,
Nihon Suikou Sekkei
"Measures to Lower the Risk of Inundation by Running Water Analysis
Shigenori Kawasaki, Technical Manager, Nihon Suikou Sekkei
"Analysis of Rivers and Water Channels in Area by xpswmm"
Kiyotaka Naganawa, Assitant Manager, Nakanihon Engineering Consultants


Special Lecture 4
"Ground Analysis Customer Case:Design Overview and Challenge"

Toshihiro Hanada President,
Bulld Geotechno

Presentation 5
"Energy Analysis Design BuilderVer.2"Jun Imaizumi,
VR Support Group, FORUM 8

Presentation 6
"Exodus, Fire Evacuation Analysis, Example Case and Our Proposal
Hirokazu Nakamura
UC-win/UC-1 Systems Development

Presentation 8
Developers' Lecture "xpswmm2009
"Latest Trend of Flood Analysis Software and Overseas Case Study"
Ashis Dey Principal
XP-software Pty Ltd.

with consecutive Japanese translation service


Presentation 3
"Latest Functions of Ground analysis Series and Slope stability analysis Compliant to New Civil Engineering Construction Guideline"
Atsushi Nakamura
UC-1 development Group1, FORUM 8

Presentation 7
"Analysis Functions by UC-win/Road
"Noise, Wind Analysis, Lighting simulation"

Isamu Okaki UC-win/UC-1 Systems Development Group

Presentation 10
"3 Dimensional VR of Flood Analysis: xpswmm Collaborative Functions by UC-win/Road"
Takayoshi Inukai, Nagoya office, FORUM 8

Thursday, November 19th FORUM8 Design Festival Day2
Gifts for visitors: FORUM8 original pen

3rd Design Conference

3rd International VR Symposium

World16, an international academic researchers group specialising in architecture and construction using 3D and VR. Symposium for presenting their achievements in 2009

The 3rd International VR Symposium, where research and development of VR is presented. The symposium brings together an international academic group and gives them a place to present, discuss and utilize their excellence of research, technology and idea.Researchers from the leading Universities of Japan and from around the world will be invited to the symposium being held on the day before the 3D/VR contest.. Join the symposium to see the latest idea and research.
Lecture overview/Introduction of lecturers


 3rd Design Conference Day2
"CAD&VR Sessions"
Main Hall- A 200seats available
Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka by using TV conference system
With simultaneous interpretation service(Japanese, English, Chinese)


Special Lecture 1
Build Live Tokyo 2009, a Live Building Design Competition, and
Innovation of Design and Production Process

Junichi Yamashita, Vice Chair, IAI Japan Chapter


Special Lecture 2
"Announcement of Allplan Engineering Japanese Version
Sven Elbl, Director of Product Management
Nemetschek Allplan Gmbh

"Case Study of Allplan in Civil Engineering Field in Korea
Kim Gibom, Basissoft Inc., Korea

Special Lecture 3
Integrated Construction Process by Graitec from Modeling to Design
Alexandre Tartas, COO, Graitec France

12:00 -13:00

Buffet Lunch

Premium members will be presented with lunch tickets


Presentation 1
"VR-Studio(TM)", "UC-win/Road Ver.4"
Pencreach Yoann, UC-win/Road Group, FORUM 8

"The Latest Cases of VR System Development and Our Proposal"
Katsumi Matsuda, Tokyo Sales Group, FORUM 8


Special Lecture 4
"Development of Made-in-Japan 3 Dimensional CAD Engine"
Shigenori Tanaka, Professor, Kansai University


Presentation 2
"Introducing Pier Design Ver.7.01, which supports 3D Bar Arrangement simulation"
Isamu Okaki, UC-win/UC-1 Systems Development Group


<Break>Complimentary Refreshments available


Presentation 3
"Survey and Civil Engineering CAD, 12d model and UC-win/Road"

Naoki Endo, Technical Support Group, FORUM 8

Presentation 4
"Development of Verification System Structural Design"

Atsushi Nakamura, UC-1 development Group1, FORUM 8


Special Lecture 5
Education for Engineers/ The Role and Utilization of Software in University Education-Structural Analysis is Such an Exciting Technology!-
Hiromichi Yoshikawa, Professor, Tokyo City University

 3rd International VR Symposium
Theme "New Age VR simulation"

Main Hall-B 200seats available
With simultaneous interpretation service(Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean)


Special Lecture 6
"Application and Case Study of Traffic Micro Simulation"

Pete Sykes, Technical Director, SiAS(Paramics Microsimulation Division) U.K.


Special Lecture 7
"Visualization and Optimization for Energy Efficient Building
Nashwan Dawood, Professor of Construction, Director of CCIR, U.K.


Buffet Lunch

Premium members will be
presented with lunch tickets

World 16 Presentations



World 16 Presentations
"Development of Presentation Method of Urban Area by Using Physical Model and VR"

Tomohiro Fukuda, Associate Professor, Osaka University

"NEXT-GENE of Virtual World"

Aleppo Yu-Tung Liu, Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Yen-Liang Wu (Aw), Lecturer,
National Chiao Tung University

"VR Model of Repair Improvement of Turcotte Highway Interchange"
Michael Jemtrud, Associate Professor /Andrew Chung, Associate Professor, McGill University, Canada


World 16 Presentations
Noise Analysis and Combined Form of Highway Bridge in Orlando"
Ms. Ruth Ron Professor, Florida University
Matthew Swarts, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

"VR Model of Reproduction of Historic Streets in 18th Century in UAE"
Thomas Tucker, Professor Winston Salem State University
Dr.Ronald Hawker, Professor,
Zayed University, UAE

"Development of Linking System to Interactive Devices in Boston, U.S.A."
Kostas Terzidis, Professor
Taro Narahara, Researcher,
Harvard University


<Break>Complimentary Refreshments available before attending the next sessions


World 16 Presentations
VR Model Creation of New Development Plan in Pisa"

Paolo Fiamma, Professor
University of Pisa, Italy

"VR Model Creation of Insulation Material and Insulation Effect
in British Houses"
Wael Abdelhameed, Professor, University of Bahrain, Bahrain

"Digital Design and Utilization of VR"

Marcos Novak University of
California, Santa Barbara
Carlos Labarca Professor, Catholic University, Chile

World 16 Yoshihiro Kobayashi,

Development of Data Exchange Tool of VR Modeling"
Yoshihiro Kobayashi Prism Laboratory, Arizona State University, FORUM8 AZ


Presentation 5
VR Business, Marketing in the Future
Brendan P Hafferty, General Manager, FORUM8 Europe


Announcement of Academy Encouragement Prize



The 3rd Design Conference "Technical Support Sessions" Room 501 10:30-17:00

"Product Support, Technical Consultation Desk"

Target attendees: UC-1/UC-win products and  FORUM8's solution customers
Our development staff members and technical staff members are on duty to answer questions or requests about our products. We will answer questions such as how to model or how to use the product. Although advance reservations are generally required, we will respond to your requests when the staff are available. Please do not hesitate to come and visit us.


Publication/Networking Party
Publication/Networking Party is scheduled at 5F Foyet Free entry

We wil have a publication party of "STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS -Case Studies and Numerical Simulation-", which will be published on November 18, the previous day of the networkin party of the3 rd VR Symposium. The authors, Dr. Hiromichi Yoshikawa, professor and Mr. Hiroto Aoto, Researcher of Tokyo City University will be present and give an address to participants. You can purchase the book at the conference site.

Networking Party Driving Simulation Game

Publication STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS -Case Studies and Numerical Simulation-
Release: November 18, 2009 Published by: 建通新聞社Kentsu Shinbun
220 pages/all color pages Price: 2800yen (+tax)

Containing explanation of wide variety of case studies from structural analysis basics to parametric simulation of real structures. Including advanced analysis cases using fiber elements.
Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to structural analysis
Chapter 2: Non linear analysis of section
Chapter 3: Non linear analysis of members
Chapter 4: Earthquake response analysis of structures
Chapter 5: Frame analysis basics

November 20th FORUM8 Design Festival Day3
Gifts for visitors: FORUM8 original pen
Gifts for Premium members: FORUM8 2010 Diary

8th 3D VR Simulation Contest

"3D VR Simulation Contest" marks the 8th contest this year. With customers advancing technology, the use of UC-win/Road is enhancing every year and a wide variety of presentations and ideas are being introduced. These cases and methods will be helpful for your presentation. Last years award winners included a simulated driving diagnosis system, a city plan including introduction of a new transportation system and a construction simulation, which shows the varied applications of VR. What kind of works will be presented this year and collect the most votes? We also introduce VR-StudioTm and UC-win/Road Ver.4, our next flagship products.
VR-Studio(TM) UC-win/Road Ver.4
Large scale multi VR 3D Realtime virtual reality


1. Presentation of Entries

(registration 12:30-)

Opening speech by FORUM8 President Yuji Ito
Awards given to nominated works


Introduction of nominated works 10-15mins. for each work
Voting by the contest attendees of the contest and the selection board.

After collecting the ballot paper, the tally will start.

2. VR-Studio UC-win/Road Sample Model Introduction


Introduction of the latest sample models by VR-Studio(TM) and UC-win/RoadVer.4
>> VR-Studio(TM)>> UC-win/Road
"Blog about City and Construction" on Up&Coming 3D Digital City Challenge Introduction of City of Water Osaka and Taiwan City

3. Result Announcement


Final selection, Closing Speech

Nominated works (Released November 9, 2009) NEW

Works from Japan (5 works)
"Simulation of railway bridge construction work"
Noda Engineering Co., Ltd.
To increase the carrying capacity of the railway, replaced a railway bridge for double track railway. The installation work must be finished at midnight and should be done with minimum impact on the road below the railway. Speedy and economical method was being investigated and the construction simulation was done with VR.
"Creation of road which passes through Aso Kuju National Park"
Nishitetsu C.E.Consultant Co.,Ltd
This VR data shows planned four-lane road of national highway that passes through the Aso Kuju National Park (Scenic Byways).
Construction of this route must be done in order to cause minimum impact on the railway alongside of the road, in addition to caring for the steep terrain. So not only the driving simulation environment (internal), but also the influence on the surrounding area must be considered. With VR data, proposed the landscape examination and the ease of traffic congestion.
"Simulation of traffic in Kyoto"
University of Kyoto Graduate School
For the purpose of collecting data on human driving behavior in urban areas. By reproducing Kyoto City data using UC-win/Road driving simulator we create a realistic driving simulation environment with VR from which the explanation of data including the impact of traffic can easily be displayed.
"Proposal of Reproducing Environmentally-friendly Waterland City Hino"
Hosei University
In Hino City, which was once one of the largest farm areas in Tokyo, a water channel network for irrigation was developed in the Tama River and Asakawa area. The city of Hino, in response to the rapid increase in population from 1960's actively redeveloped land and now 50% of the city is designated as redeveloped. In these areas many of the water channels were lost. Total length of the canal was 218km, 177km in 1977, and it is now said that only 130km remain.In 1995, the area was designated as "Town of Water" by then Ministry of Land, however, the rural landscape is certainly gone, the number of channels has decreased. Therefore we are proposing a new type of land redevelopment utilizing the water-rich environment around the channels of Hino City.
"VR Data for Ohashi Junction of Metropolitan Expressway"
Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited
The Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. is conducting an experiment with driving simulator. The experiment is to ensure effectiveness in traffic safety at Ohashi Junction, which connects Shinjuku Central Circular Route(under construction), Shinagawa Central Circular Route and Route No.3 Shibuya Line. In this experiment UC-win/Road driving simulator is actively used.
Works from overseas (6 works)
"Road Monitoring System"
Temasek Polytechnic
The road monitoring system is a system that acts as a virtual driving simulator to assist drivers in rehabilitation and assessment. Therefore the simulator will be able to test the users physical condition and problem solving skills in order to rate their condition.
"Transfer VR simulation at Junjon Service Area in Korea"
VR simulation by using UC-win/Road was conducted for Junjon Service Area, which is managed by Seoul Regional Land Management Office. To ease traffic jams on the roads to the neighbouring cities, the simulation by UC-win/Road was used to support decision making of 3 plans including creation of bus-lane and rotary intersection.
"VR simulation of Design Change of Korea Namkai Highway "
Korea Road Agency
UC-win/Road was used for consensus building with the local residents at Korea Namkai Highway, which is under construction.
There are two plans, initial plan and the current one, and include objections from local residents. Various kinds of simulation were done, including simulation of influence to local residents by the distance from the road. The data was used as discussion material for the consensus with residents and related agencies.
"VR Project of Beijing Guomian Group (Jingmian Second Factory)''
Beijing Water Cube Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.
Guomian Group is located to the east of Beijing CBD, overlooking from its main gate, the landmark buildings, such as CCTV, China International Trade Center and Huamao. In the 1950s, designers of the former Soviet Union designed and the construction has begun. Interior decoration reflects those days style. With UC-win/Road, showing in VR the old plant of the Guomian second plant and the new plant, which will be relocated in near future and change to Cultural and Creative Industrial Park in VR.
"VR Simulation of Pedestrian Behavior at Pedestrian Bridge Construction"
Shanghai Chikushi Construction Design Co., Ltd.
VR model shows the pedestrian behavior and flow at the time of renovation and construction of a pedestrian bridge in the United Kingdom (about 150m). Results of the data from the crowd analysis software have been linked to UC-win/Road, and the intuitive presentation has become possible. The data was used for reproducing the planned completed construction and for further safety as well as simulating the pedestrian flow.
"VR Data of Roundabouts in US 41 Projct"
Ourston Traffic Solutions, Inc.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) plans to reconstruct and expand US 41. This work is made by Ourston, which was asked by WisDOT, to teach WisDOT and to educate people in the correct driving operation when it comes to roundabouts, by using driving simulator.

VR contest prejudging (nomination) carried out

Works nominated for the 8th "3D VR Simulation Contest with UC-win/Road" were announced as above. The top 11 works of this preliminary round have been nominated as a result of impartial judging, 5 domestic and 6 overseas works have been selected.
Judges Mr. Hiroo Kasagi (NPO Chiiki Zukuri Kobou)
Mr. Fumio Seki (Taisei Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Mr. Sinsuke Kitagawa (Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Scenes from the VR contest prejudging
Final judging method

Applicants make a presentation (less than 15 minutes, UC-win/Road data demonstration over 70%) of the nominated works and each of the awards is determined by vote. Grand prix, Excellence award and Special awards (Idea award, Essence award, Overseas award, Judgment award etc.) are decided. Each prize can only have one winner.
The Academy Encouragement Award is restricted to submissions for the VR Symposium research presentations. These will be presented at the "International VR Symposium" and can be nominated for the finals by recommendation. Overseas award is only for participants from abroad.
The marks will be the total of the ranking points from the vote and the special prize ranking points, with a 70% weighting on votes from the users participating in the contest and a 30% weighting on votes from our judges.


Mr. Hiroo Kasagi (NPO Chiiki Zukuri Kobou)
Mr. Fumio Seki (Taisei corporation)
Mr. Sinsuke Kitagawa (Yachiyo Engineering)


 No dual recipients.
The Overseas award and Academy Encouragement award are for foreign applicants and students respectively.
Academy Encouragement award will be announced at the International VR symposium.

Grand Prix
Highest award

Certificate / trophy /
high end notebook computer

最優秀賞 トロフィー
HP lite Book 8730w mobile

Excellence award
Semi-grand prix

Certificate / mobile notebook computer

SONY Mobile Notebook computer VAIO TypeZ
Special awards
Idea award /
Essence award /
Overseas award /
Judgment award /
other awards

Certificate / latest digital camera

Nikon digital camera
Academy Encouragement award
Academy Encouragement award

Certificate / Financial incentive

US$ 2,000 Prize
7th contest prize-winning entries
(VR Simulation contest review, Nov. 2008)

Simulated driving diagnosis system using CG simulation
National Agency for Automotive Safety & Victims' Aid

Sakai City Oshoji LRT Project VR data
Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering
--------Upcoming Events--------
UC-win/Road Expert Training Seminar
UC-win/Road Expert training seminar for an agency/consultant Application form for participation
Japanese English Chinese Korean French

UC-win/Road Expert training seminar will be held for agencies which sell UC-win/Road and consultants who suggest VR business using UC-win/Road.
We prepared "UC-win/Road introduction strategy program" which you can learn knowledge and technique, which is need to get the targeted company to innovate UC-win/Road. We advance this seminar covering all the contents of the sales and techniques from approach to consulting, install and follow-up with practices.
Lastly, you'll take an authorization examination, and the passers will be certified as UC-win/Road experts.

All the authorization examination passers can get a certificate.

UC-win/Road Products page

UC-win/Road Ver.3.4 New functions
Scenario function Building creation tool
< The date / venue >
November 16(Monday) - 17(Tuesday), 2009. Tokyo FORUM8 Tokyo head office GT tower seminar room  
< Summary >
Participation fee Free
< Schedule >
1st day: 13:00 - 17:30 13:00-13:30 Basic knowledge of UC-win/RoadVR
13:30-15:30 Practical use of sales tools
15:40-17:30 Process for innovation
2nd day: 9:30 - 17:30 9:30-12:00 UC-win/Road operational practice Bases
13:00-14:30 UC-win/Road operational practice Practice
14:40-16:50 Link and expansion
17:00-17:30 Authorization examination
< Application for participation >
Send e-mail or Ask your nearest sales window for an application. After receiving your application, FORUM8 will send you a hall map and a participation ticket.
We are looking forward to your application
< Where to apply > E-mail Sales window participation entry

Overseas Training and Seminars

Seminars in Shanghai will be held on the following schedule.

Shanghai - Shanghai Seminar room (FORUM8 Technology Development(Shanghai) Co., Ltd)

Seminar Date City
UC-win/Road VR March 3, 2010 Shanghai
UC-win/Road Advanced  December 9, 2009
UC-win/Road SDK February 24, 2010 Shanghai
EXODUS/SMARTFIRE  January 27, 2010  Shanghai 
Engineer's Studio, 
UC-win/FRAME (3D)
December 16, 2009 Shanghai
March 17, 2010 Shanghai
GeoFEAS2DGeoFEAS 3D December 4, 2009 Shanghai
 xpswmm January 13, 2010  Shanghai 
 Maxsurf March 5, 2010 Shanghai 
OSCADY/TRANSYT  March 10, 2010 Shanghai
 Multiframe March 12, 2010 Shanghai 
 Design Builder March 24, 2010 Shanghai 
 Retaining wall design/Temporary sheathing work design Chinese January 20, 2010  Shanghai 
Participation Fee Free

For more information and applications, please email us at

Gross circulation:3859

If submitting a formal request to unsubscribe from our mailing list, please include "Unsubscribe"
in the subject title of your email and send it back to us.

Thank you for your continued support.

FORUM8 Co., Ltd.
2-1-1 Nakamegruro GT Tower 15F
Kamimeguro Meguro-ku Tokyo 153-0051 JAPAN
TEL +81-3-5773-1888
FAX +81-3-5720-5688