International Newsletter
vol.21 2009/7
7.2.2009 FORUM8 Co., Ltd |
--------What's New at
- French Premier Partner's Success with UC-win/Road - Collaboration News (GRAITEC)
- Beijing tepia Technology Co., Ltd
- C1-2 Experiment Pre-analysis contest
(Seminar Report) - Experience Seminar "Allplan" BIM Solution (Seminar
Report) - Experience Seminar for the Engineer's Studio (Seminar Report)
- New Product and Upgrade
- New Series "100 Best
Bridges" -
Support Topics
--------Upcoming Events-------- - Upcoming
International Events - Seminar in Shanghai, Beijing, and Seoul
--------FORUM8 Homepage
Information-------- - Web Estimate Service - Technical Support Service for
UC-win/Road Overseas Users - User Information

French Premier Partner's Success with
UC-win/Road |
The French civil engineering
software house itech has recently announced their latest sale of the
award winning
3D VR simulation software from Japanese software specialist Forum
8. |
David Remaud of itech ( www.itech-soft.com ) a Forum
8 Premier Partner based in Paris commented "We first came across Forum 8 when
researching the market for 3D simulation software for engineering applications.
We are a company that specializes in the design, development and distribution of
structural computation software packages for use in the construction, civil
engineering, roads and mechanical engineering sectors.
"Forum 8 seemed
like a very dynamic and responsive company and we immediately began working
together. In fact our first project was the design of a user interface for one
of their Geo visualization packages.
"The next stage in our involvement
with this market leading Japanese 3D VR software specialist was to become an
active distributor of their software.
"The initial result was the sale of
a system to a University closely followed by an approach from a huge
manufacturing company here in France that wanted to utilize the Forum 8 3D
Virtual Reality (VR) simulation software within their Driver Training
"We will be revealing full details of this exciting new client
very soon. However, what I can reveal is that they chose the Japanese software
for a number of reasons, including its preeminence as the leading simulation
software in the highly competitive Japanese and Korean markets and their
experience with the Japanese Type N700 Shinkansen (Bullet Train) Simulator for
training drivers and conductors.
"Apart from the comprehensive features
of the software, they were also looking for a supplier that could guarantee a
high level of technical support from both the software manufacturer as well as
from its local Partner. I'm pleased to say that they found the combination of
itech, Forum 8 and UC-win/Road to be the perfect solution."
UC-win/Road is state-of-the-art interactive 3D Virtual Reality (VR)
simulation software. Users can manipulate dynamic 3D space, import and edit CAD
data, build and texture block models, view multiple design alternatives in
real-time, as well as being able to visualize and edit intelligent traffic &
much more... See www.forum8.com
More information
contact: Brendan Hafferty brendan@forum8.com
Forum 8 European
Office, Holborn Gate, 330 High Holborn, London WC1V T: +44 (0)20 7203 8300 M:
+353 86 858 4873 W: www.forum8.com |
News |
Graitec found in 1986 offers an integrated solution
of BIM design through Advance suite; Advance Steel (for steel construction),
Advance Concrete (for reinforced concrete construction) and Advance Design (for
the structural analysis). Graitec, the third world biggest software provider in
the civil engineering and construction fields, has twelve companies and more
than thirty sales agencies in Europe and also including North
Advance Steel, developed for industry professionals automates
the entire stuructural CAD process (fabrication, erection drawings, various
reports). Now they have as many as 30,000 users all over the world for the
Advance Steel as one of their leading products. FORUM8 has an exclusive sales
rights, localizing it for Japanese market.
Last September, we invited an
international sales manager and an engineer of Graitec to the 2nd FORUM8 Design
Conference and they presented the special lecture under the theme of "3D Steel
Structural CAD for BIM". When they come to Japan for a business trip etc, we get
them to take the time to give a technical lecture to our staff. Also, FORUM8 and
Graitec are actively taking technical or information exchange.
(Up & Coming 2009 fresh geen leaves
issue) |
FORUM8 is releasing international version, focusing
on the UC-win/Road, one of a
"UC-win" series and being active to show it on exhibitions held on around the
world. Our international agencies deal with our products for international and
support them. This time, let us introduce "Beijing tepia Technology Co., Ltd",
which have their oversea outlets on big cities including China and
Tepia was established in the Tsinghua Science & Technology
Park in Beijing, China on December, 2000 as one of Tepia group. They provide
system development and solution about water engineering and environmental
ecology, focusing on numerical analysis and information processing about "water"
in civil engineering / construction fields. They have been active in sale of the
UC-win/Road and the xpswmm since December, 2007 as one of our dealers. They
participate actively in the 3D / VR simulation contest held in every year and
their work won the Nomination Award in the 7th 3D VR simulation contest. This
work was created as a material to explain overview and effectiveness of
ecosystem restoration construction in the north side of the Beijing-Hangzhou
Grand Canal. They achieved a richness of expression simulating the effectiveness
of construction from several view sights and making use of much kind of
textures: 3D trees and MD3 characters including original created model textures.
to see "the 7th 3D VR Simulation Contest Review" Getting the nomination
award in the first time application shows their high level of 3D /VR technology
using UC-win/Road and high quality of presentation. |
Tepia, which have proven track records in water related
business activities, is offering sales and technical supports of UC-win/Road for
xpswmm, which link with the xpswmm, Rainfall-runoff / Inundation analysis
software of FORUM8 products series. This tool allows you to visualize and
check the condition of overflowing in streams To expand distribution of
products through link with FORUM8, Tepia increased sales staffs and VR data
creating staffs. They will plan to send their excellent staff to
FORUM8. Those activities produce a good result such as learning the latest
skill of UC-win/Road, improvement of sales skills and technical supports and
acquiring 3D CG / VR trends. Also, they Tepia and FORUM8 will exhibit on
conferences together for increasing our market share. We'll do our best to
measure up to your expectations for distribution in China, including
Beijing. |
Report of the C1-2
Experiment Pre-analysis Contest |
On Thursday 5 March 2009, the C1-2 Experiment
Pre-analysis contest of "2007 / 2008 Research presentation of earthquake
resistance experiment for piers", sponsored by the National Research Institute
for earth Science and Disaster Prevention in Japan, on the third floor of World
Trade Center building which locates in Hamamatsu-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo ,Japan.
UC-win/FRAME (3D) analysis support team won the pre-analysis contest (E-defense)
in the fiber model class. Following are summary and analysis models of the
13 August, 2008 on the website(http://www.bosai.go.jp/hyogo/) of Hyog Earthquake Engineering
Research Center, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster
Prevention, registration applications of the C1-2 Experiment Pre-analysis
contest started.
FORUM8 tried to this contest through the UC-win/FRAME (3D), which is popular
among many users, Adding Aoto to the team who belongs to Yoshikawa lab of civil
engineering course, Tokyo City University.
The C1-2 experiments assume
the piers which were constructed in 1970s and have two stepped rebar
arrangements in the middle of it. The height of piers not including footings are
7.5 meter and the column parts are 6.0 meter and diameter of the column is 1.8
meter. The contest was divided into two parts of "Pre analysis" and "Post
analysis". The former was literally conducted before experiment and in the
latter analysis was conducted using the response acceleration spectrum, which
was resulted from the experiment.
This contest adopted a blind analysis
contest, so we were only told a drawing, weight and test results of materials.
The dynamic analysis model based on these materials was modeled as shown in the
figure below. The subjected pier of experiment and the total system including
neighboring piers and girders. This model was consisting of total nodes number
was 585. The number of fiber elements for the pier was 6, and elastic beam
elements for other extra material were 735.
Details about the fiber elements for analysis are as following. The pier
was divided into upper and lower parts because material test values of them have
a difference value. Frame of concrete hysteresis is a stress-strain curve of
concrete considering lateral restraint effects, which is defined on the page 160
of the specifications for highway bridges V seismic design part. Inside history
adopted Sakai-Kawashima model. Because it doesn't meet a guideline for
reinforcing bar arrangement of current specifications for highway bridges,
restraint affected by lateral restraint reinforcements cannot be considered. To
differentiate from concrete cover, core concrete is considering the 20 percent
of residual strength toward peak strength. Reinforcement hysteresis is bilinear
type of framework and inside history consider the Bauschinger effects. About the
column which is modeled with fiber elements, the length of material is set to
become 0.9 meter as the approximately half diameter. Damping is stiffness
proportional by elements and damping coefficient of fiber elements is set equal
to zero.
Regarding a bearing, the sliding
bearing of the end of the pier is modeled through a bilinear type of spring.
the spring adopts the upper limit, of which friction force is calculated
from the coefficient of friction of μ=0.2, and fall-prevention bearing on the
targeted pier adopts asymmetric spring, which is only effective to a contact
Here is the result. Following is a displacement history on the
top of the pier. It shows the component of vertical direction on the left and
the direction to the bridge axis on the right. You can find the red of
experimental results traced better than grey. The graph is cut because collision
of a girder and a beam with a guard fence after 12.5 seconds prevent its
Following shows the relation of the reaction which developed on the
fixed bearing of bridge axis direction and displacement of the upper end of the
pier. It is conceivable that large deviation after 200mm was caused by above
crush. Before crush, displacement history is matched as well as the one of the
upper end of the pier.
National Research Institute
for Earth Science and Disaster prevention (NIED) will disclose the detail of the
experimental results. We try to improve the quality of products, reviewing the
actual experimental results and the analysis values. We hope your continuous
support. |
UC-win/FRAME(3D) analysis support team,
Development director (right), co-recipient , Mr. Aoto Hiroyuki (second right) of
Yoshikawa Hiromichi Laboratory, Tokyo City University (former Musashi Institute
of Technology)
UC-win/FRAME(3D) Analysis Support Service
(3D) analysis support team won the pre-analysis contest (E-defense) in the fiber
model class
Report of Experience
Seminar "Allplan" BIM Solution |
Overview of Allplan seminar As
introduced in the Up & Coming vol. 78, the Allplan is BIM integrated
solution for 3D civil engineering and construction CAD, developed by Nemetschek
in Germany. Allplan seminar was held on March 16, 2009. Total 25 persons from 20
companies participated in the seminar, held at four places through a Video
Conferencing System: FORUM8 Tokyo head office, Nagoya business office, and Osaka
and Fukuoka branch offices. We would like to take this occasion to thank
We explained each functions of Allplan Architecture and
Engineering at the first half of the seminar. And at the second half of it,
attendees got hands-on practice, creating simple building models.
& A Followings are Question and Answers received from
Q1. I would like
to know about the link between the UC-win/Road and the
Allplan. A1. UC-win/Road can read terrain
data, but cannot read line data. Import / Export of 3DS models between
UC-win/Road and Allplan is available.
Q2. Can existing 2D CAD drawings be modeled into 3D models
by adding walls or doors to the drawings ?. A2. AutoCAD data such as DXF can be set as background and the height
of wall can be added to the 2D CAD drawings.
Q3. Can it support a multi-user file
management? A3. Allplan features the
workgroup manager, which allows separate setting of
Q4. Can created
building models be output into 2D construction drawing? A4. Using layers allows you to output with a title or company
Q5. Does it support
Japanese standards of reinforcement arrangement? A5. It is not supported yet. BUt regarding a component of automated
reinforcement arrangement, diameter is preset. The tool which allows you to
define reinforcement arrangement individually is available.
introduced by media The seminar was introduced by Kenplatz of Nikkei
Business Publications (Nikkei BP). Please see "Allplan
landing on Japan! The BIM world enter a new era of "Super Squadron"(Japanese
Version Only)
Future schedule in
end of April |
Launch Allplan
English Version |
Tuesday 14 July |
Experience Seminar Main venue: FORUM8 Tokyo head office GT tower seminar
room Concurrent events at Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka through a Video
Conferencing System
end of September |
Launch Allplan
Japanese Version |
Wednesday 11- Friday 13 November |
Japan Home and
Building Show
2009 |
Experience Seminar for the
Engineer's Studio |
(Up & Coming 2009 fresh green
leaves issue) |
Experience Seminar in Japan Experience
Seminar for Engineer's
Studio was held on Friday 13 February, 2009, linking four sales
representatives of Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka with the Miyazaki branch
office as a development office through a video conferencing system. 28 attendees
from all parts of the country received an explanation of products overview in
the first half and received hands on training in the second half. Engineer's
Studio is a general structure analysis program adding plane elements to beam
elements of UC-win/FRAME(3D). We
received good reputation for its improvement of analysis functions and an user
friendly interface. We keep developing to support several design
Seminar in Oversea We held an experience seminar of Engineer's Studio in
Seoul, Capital of South Korea on Tuesday 24 March, 2009 and in Shanghai and
Beijing, China on Wednesday 25 March, 2009 linking with our Tokyo head office
through a video conferencing system. After finished the seminar, we received
good reputations for a new interface. Also we received inquiries for the
products to support international design standards. To meet them we will expand
functionality of the
products. |
3Dimentional Real time Virtual Reality
Advanced 945,000yen / Standard 609,000yen Support
for multiple languages; Japnese, English, French, Korean and

Added to Product Lineup as a new VR system software in three and half
years concept. Support large scale space,
multi-user, multi-core, multi-reality More
Advanced and Cutting-edged 3D Real time Virtual Reality
Drive Simulator
Main New Features of Ver.3.4.x Support for sub
scenarios and simultaneously execution of scenarios Expanded Events
Action Support for display of tire rotation of vehicle wheel and rudder
angle Micro Simulation Player
Support for sub scenarios and
simultaneously execution of scenarios Expanded Events Action Support for
display of tire rotation of vehicle wheel and rudder angle Micro Simulation
For more information,
click to see OpenmicroSim.org

VR Presentation and New Urban
Contribution by Mr. Tadao Ando UC-win/Road Ver.3.4 trial version
included Case Examples of VR Presentation Written by Fukuda Tomohiro /
Fumio Seki and others
Price: 3,990yen Published by X-Knowledge 160
pages with full page color Release date: November 19th, 2008
Please go to http://www.forum8.com/english/topics-e.htm
for updated information on Up & Coming.
100 Best Bridges |
1" TOKYO " |
From the 100 Best
Bridges in the Kanto Area IT Station "Citizen and Construction" "NPO
Corporation URL: http://www.itstation.jp/ |
1. |
Concrete Arch Bridge |
Kameido Tenjin
Bridge |
Onna Bashi
(Women bridge) |
Bashi (Men bridge) |
You can see the two large and small arched bridges in the precincts of
Kameido shrine, Koto ward. They are each called Otoko-Bashi, Onna-Bashi, from
the right. Otoko-bashi stands for a mountain of hardship in the past and
Onna-Bashi stands for future. The shrine says that crossing these bridges, you
can arrived in front of a god. Before they were vermilion-lacquered bridges, but
they were damaged by a war and re-constructed as a concrete arch bridge in 1952.
The shrine is called as Kameido Tenmangu, which stands for a shrine
dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the patron saint of scholarship, and famous
as a grand shrine in the Edo period as well as Fukagawa Hachimangu. They are
erected in imitation of Dazaifu Tenmangu of Kyushu in the eras of Tsunayoshi's
Bakufu, and the time of Sugawara no Michizane as an enshrined deity: it must be
a tutelary deity for a newly developed land. Also the precincts of Kameido
shrine are known for a noted place of 80 roots of wisteria, which are drawn in a
print at that time; it is used in the cover page of the 100
2. |
Stone-Built Arch Bridge |
Nihon-Bashi |
locating the Edo-Bakufu, Tokugawa Ieyasu built the bridge to link with the new
city, which are made by reclaiming the part of sea in 1603. You could say that
Town creation of Tokyo started from construction of the Nihon-bashi.
year, the five main highways such as Tokaido were defined starting from here.
Current Nihon-Bashi is a stone-built arch erected in 1911. It is designated as
an important cultural property, marked a milestone and a ornamental top of a
railing. You could say that its design is the most important work of a
combination of Japanese, Chinese and European styles. Its bridge name was called
Nihon-Bashi after the Nihon-Bashi river.
Because a highway was built
directly above the bridge in 1964, there has been a lot of controversy about
bridge landscape; it should be removed or moved. People are searching
re-construction plans. There are some plan that it should imitate the
Cheonggyecheon, Seoul, South Korea, which is a good case that Lee Myung-bak,
Seoul mayor then re-established a stream and landscape by removing the elevated
highway and restoring the stream.
3. |
Steel Arch Bridge |
Nijuu-Bashi |
photo shows a steel bridge crossing the imperial moat, and there are stone-built
bridges at the back; a stone-built bridge is called "Nishinomaru Ote-Bashi" and
a steel bridge is called "Nishinomaru Shimojo-Bashi" Nijuu-Bashi, which is
crossed over deep moats and the girder supporting piers, is called after a
double structural crossing technique. It was a wood structural arch
bridge(Total Length: 29m, Width: 6.5m) in the Edo period, but was replaced with
a steel bridge made in Germany in 1888, by asking a Germany company to do
that. After that, they are reborn in 1964. Though the Imperial Household
Agency calls the stone-built bridge for "Seimon Ishibashi", the steel bridge for
"Seimon Tetsubashi", in general they are collectively called
4. |
Steel Arch Bridge |
Eidai-Bashi |
Eidai-Bashi was crossed by Tokugawa-Bakufu in 1698; it was fourth bridge
crossed in Suminda River, following Ryogoku-Bashi, Shin-Ohashi, and Azuma-Bashi.
The size of the wooden bridge at that time was 200m × 6m.
In 1698 during
the Fukagawa-Tomioka Hachiman Festival, terrible catastrophe happened, which was
caused by weight limit over. The bridge fell down because quite a lot of viewers
gathered in the one place. The people in charge were punished with banishment to
a distant island.
In 1897 it was replaced with a steel bridge, above 200m
away from the original. The finished bride was huge construction with the size
of 200m x 14m, which attracted people's attention; it cost as much as 83,650 yen
and took three and half years for construction.
After that it was
replaced in 1926. Compared with Kiyoshu-Bashi, it looks more masculine and has
heavier weight. It has been read as "Eidaiha doshinto oita youni kake" meaning
"Eidai-Bashi was crossed as if it was with a solid appearance" in
- Hijiri-Bashi Concrete Arch Bridge Total Length: 92.47m Width: 22m Named
after the thing the connecting between Yushima Seido and Holy Resurrection
Cathedral. |
- Yahata-Bashi Bowstrings Truss
Built Bridge Total Length: 15.76m Width: 2.0m The oldest steel bridge
in Japan, designated as national important cultural properties. Built in
1879 |
- Shin Kasai-Bashi Cantilever Bridge with its Stiffening
Girder Suspended Total Length: 280m Width: 15m Self-Anchored Suspension
Bridge,the worild's first unique type bridge, which look like
Kiyosu-Bashi. |
- Haneda Sky Arch Parallel Cable-Stayed Bridge with Arch Type
Main Tower Total Length: 103.40m Width:10.25m Won the Tanaka Award by
Japan Society of Civil Engineering |
- Rainbow Bridge Bi-layer Suspension Bridge Total Length:
918m Width: 70m Highway, roadway, footway, Waterfront Area Rapid
Transit |
- Otonashi-Bashi Concrete-Built
Three Consecutive Arch Bridge Total Length: approximate 497m Width of
roadway: approximate 194m Width of footway: approximate 303m Old bridge
built in 1930 |
- Tamagawa-Ohashi Gerber Plate Girder Bridge Total Length: 435.76m Width:
22.8m The first bridge with a mercury lamp in
Japan |
& Answer Forum - VR |
Maintenance/Support Service Related Information |
UC-win/Road |
Traffic Flow Setting at the
Intersection |
When you set the traffic volume in UC-win/Road, you need to input it by
road unit. You enter the number of vehicle from the start point of each road to
the end point. For example, in case that two traffic lanes which traffic volume
is 10000 vehicles. 500 vehicles are divided on each traffic lane. When you
assign the weight to each right turn / straight / left turn at the intersection,
you need to set the number of driving vehicles on each lane.
If you want
to set as: Left turn: 200 vehicles as 20% Straight: 700 vehicles as
70% Right turn: 100 vehicles as 10%
Given in two-lane road, you need
to set as: Left lane/ Left turn:3, Straight:3 Right lane/ Straight: 4,
Right turn:1
When the right-lane will become the right-turn lane, you
need to shift vehicles to the left-lane until the intersection. To make the
right-turn to be the 10 percent of the total share, you need to shift the 80
percent of vehicles, 400 vehicles, from the right lane to the left lane. As a
result, the traffic volume will be as below.
Left lane: 90% as 900
vehicles Right lane: 10% as 100 vehicles
Left lane/ Left-turn:22.2,
Straight 77.7 Right lane/ Right-turn: 100
Above vehicle-shift setting
can be set at the behavior control points. Vehicle setting is also important as
well as weighting of vehicles at the intersection. For example, the number of
vehicle at the next intersection depends on the weighting of assigned vehicles.
If the setting of the vehicle which go straight doesn't be established, they all
will drive in the left lane. There is not so much influence on the other
intersection when the setting is established in the only one intersection, but
if you consider a network configured by multiple intersection, you need to
consider the influence.
& Answer Forum - Dynamic Analysis- |
Maintenance/Support Service Related Information |
UC-win/FRAME(3D) |
How can the pier with an angle of skew be
modeled? |
We introduce how to export from "Seismic
coefficient calculation (Bearing Design)", and how to model the pier with an
angle of skew. First, when you export data from the Seismic coefficient
calculation (Bearing Design) to the UC-win/FRAME(3D), the model are
automatically created as following.
from above, the model are crossed toward the super-structure and its bevelθ is
90 degrees. To rotate pier members, two methods are
Method1 1) Select member(s) 2) Enter the arranged angle
of section in the general tab of member edit window
Method2 1) Select
member(s) 2) Right click to show the pop-up menu and select [the association
between the element Y axis and the global coordinate system] 3) Enter a
Method1 is the way to set the arranged angle of the section for
the element coordinate system, so if you enter an angle, only the main axis
coordinate system rotate but the element coordinate system doesn't
rotate. Method2 is to set the angle of the element coordinate system. The
main axis coordinate system rotates then; Both the element coordinate system and
the main axis coordinate system rotate at the same time. Please look at the
image above left shows the method1 and right image shows the method2, which is
rotated. Though each coordinate system is rotated 30 degrees, the left image
shows only the main axis coordinate system(subscript is p) rotating, and the
element coordinate system (subscript is l) isn't rotated. Regarding the right
image, both the main axis coordinate system and the element coordinate system
rotate. This doesn't influence on the analysis result, but you should take
method2, for it is easier than method1.
For more information, please
refer to the following help. [Operation method | Model creations | Model(5) -
the coordinate system-] [Operation method | Model creations | Model(6) -
Model (6) - The specification of the direction of the element coordinate system
Please make sure to rotate the coordinate system of fulcrum, when you
changed the angle of pier. If you forget to change it, as the right image
showing, the footing and the fulcrum can't match.
Functions introduced above are effective for you to create skew bridge
models or curved bridge models. Please make use
it. |
-Seminar in Shanghai, Beijing, and
The seminars provide attendees an opportunity to
acquire up-to-date information about our product. One of the main goals of
these seminars is to explain analysis and design techniques which abound in
the industry. Participation fee is free!
International Seminar Venue Shanghai - Shanghai Seminar room (FORUM8 Technology Development (Shanghai) Co.,
Ltd.) Beijing - Conference room
(Beijing Tepia Technology Co.,Ltd) Seoul - Seminar room (BasisSoft,
Inc.) |
Seminar |
Date |
Venue |
UC-win/Road -
VR |
9 July 2009 |
Shenzhen |
Advanced |
24 September
2009 |
Shenzhen |
UC-win/Road for
Civil 3D |
18 August 2009 |
Shenzhen |
15 September
2009 |
Shanghai / Beijing
/ Shenzhen |
16 September
2009 |
Seoul |
Engineer's Studio/ UC-win/FRAME
(3D) |
15 August 2009 |
Shanghai /
Beijing / Shenzhen |
8 September
2009 |
Seoul |
GeoFEAS2D / GeoFEAS 3D |
4 August 2009 |
Shanghai / Beijing /
Shenzhen |
10 September
2009 |
Seoul |
15 July 2009 |
Seoul |
6 August
2009 |
Seoul |
DesignBuilder |
25 June 2009 |
Shanghai and
Beijing |
26 June 2009 |
Seoul |
Summary |
Participation Fee |
Free |
Application |
For more information and application submission, please
email us at
-Upcoming International
We will
participate in a number of overseas events. Please come to visit us in the booth
to learn more about our product line-up. Look forward to meeting
Bangkok 8-10 July 2009
2009 AITPM National Conference
5 -7 August 2009
ITS Stockholm 2009 21-25 September 2009
- Web estimate service
Free web quotation
service is available at the following site. Explore sample projects,
experiment and create!
Technical support service for UC-win/Road overseas
The support service undertakes data
generation tasks related to UC-win/Road such as the generation of 3D VR
simulation data, 3D models and textures,providing support for road
businesses, urban development planning, public projects, private
developments and so forth through extensive simulation tasks creating
cost-affordable, high-quality data.
For more information, please go to the following
- User information page
Marketing materials and
updates can be retrieved and downloaded from the following site.
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Thank you for your continued support.
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+81-3-5773-1888 FAX +81-3-5720-5688