The following campaign is kick started. Please take advantage of this great
offer by all means, for they will surely be profitable to you.
Only one type of discount can be applied one target software.

Campaign Period: May 1st, 2012 - Jun 30th, 2012 |
When you purchase option(s) for one of our UC-win/UC-1 lineup of products
and other products during this period, you get 25% DISCOUNT.
(*That discount only applies if you own the software to which you want
add an option. Applicable to products protected by USB key, WEB activated
products, and rental products. )
We will also offer this special DISCOUNT of 25% when you upgrade your product.
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Campaign Period: May 1st, 2012 - Jun 30th, 2012 |
We will take 10% OFF the price of 3D modeling service in commemoration
of our UC-win/Road Ver.7 release.
In addition, when you purchase the license of UC-win/Road simultaneously,
the software will be offered at 25% OFF our regular price.
UC-win/Road Ver.7 UC-win/Road support system |
Contact for Product Purchases and Inquiries
Inquiries :
Enquiries can be handled by any of the sales offices in Japan.
Please direct any questions about this homepage to forum8@forum8.co.jp. |
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